Anonymous ID: 7595d1 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:08 p.m. No.7901590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1612


>Not Sure on the source? But interesting none the less.

>CORONAVIRUS: Reports of 10,000 DEAD in Wuhan, China


From personal experience, previously living in Mainland China.

ANY reports we get in "The West" will be sketchy & suspect.

Not saying this report is fake.

Just that any (real) trustworthy sauce would need to come from someone like: (A connected local Party Official) who shared the truth anonymously.

  • It does happen.


This is Chinese New Year.

MILLIONS are traveling.

Perfect time for an outbreak to occur if real, or if manufactured.


And the Beijing CCP is notorious for suppressing the truth at all costs to "Preserve Harmony & Social Order".

Not beyong the realm of possibility they'd accept 100,000 casualties to maintain "Order".

How many bodies are buried in "The Great Wall"?