Anonymous ID: 885717 Jan. 24, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.7901073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1087


>Learn the truth


That a system of words are easily changed around when they have no basis in reality?

That stories that are not founded in any realistic form or solid foundation or provable format are easily reconfigured to create new meaning?

That the best lies are fantasy, which meaning can be changed to suit the users interests?

>It's true because I said it has proof!

>Because I explained something it's true!

>If you just agree X = Y because I said, then obvious Y would lead to Z!

Holy shit, talk about pleading to the crowd to suspend their disbelief..

Maybe you should right a new age fan fiction and activate some crystals to raise the <insert vague word>

Anonymous ID: 885717 Jan. 24, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.7901156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1209 >>1408


Hmm, maybe you're onto something.

I just consulted Jupiter and he says that Nibiru is approaching.

He said that Gen X means female and Gen Y means males so I believed it, after all it's a voice in my head that affirmed it and besides there are plenty of youtube videos on this topic so it has to be true!

Yes yes, Jupiter itself spoke to me and says that Gen Z therefore means child for some reason.

Because you know X, Y and then Z right?

Holy shit, the science is fucking rock solid!

How did I not see it before?!

Thank Jupiter, anon!

Anonymous ID: 885717 Jan. 24, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.7901228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1263


You're right, exactly right!

Jupiter is not a planet, it's a literal conscious being that is going to awaken its father Nibiru!

You're onto to something anon!! Keep digging!

There is NO way it's complete and utter garbage!

Any minute now the intergalactic light federation will contact us and the meteor spaceship will take us off this planet so that we may ascend!

That is exactly right!

Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z! It all makes so much sense!

It totally isn't the musings of a mind lost for concert interconnections in reality, this is totally not the product of an over active mind that is malnourished of logic and real world experience!

Holy shit, you are so fucking woke!!!!

Anonymous ID: 885717 Jan. 24, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.7901261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1511


Holy shit, anon you are so fucking profound!

How didn't I notice before that you're garbage psychobabble was actual so insightful and deep!

By acting like a complete and absolute faggot you are detailing the holes in my statements and arguments!

Indeed, you are so right; I'm such an amateur, how could I have possibly thought one as profane as myself could go against your transcendental esoteric knowledge of fucking literally Jupiter!

The holes in my assertions are truly flawed!

Anon, I was no match for your higher autism!

Where can I buy your book?

Holy shit, Q did tell us about coincidences and that is proof enough for me!!!

Why didn't I TRY HARDER?!

Anonymous ID: 885717 Jan. 24, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.7901317   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wow, wow, wow!

I have never heard this ORIGINAL thought before!

Not once have I ever heard of the Saturn Moon Matrix!!!

Holy shit anon you are completely original and completely thought of this all on your own through transcendental meditation and communion with higher beings during astral projection!

You are literally in contact with Jupiter who will set us all free by releasing his father Nibiru!

It makes so much fucking sense when you put it that way!!

Yes, yes in fact it's all just a simulation because you know the ancients talked about how it was a simulation for thousands of year and it totally isn't a sci fi based fantasy psychodrama!

Wow, anon you are so deep and insightful and knowledgable!

Where did you come up with such truly UNIQUE IDEAS?

I should have fucking known it was that bitch fucking Moon, so ominous!