Anonymous ID: c0fe6a Jan. 24, 2020, 11:57 a.m. No.7901493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1507 >>1531

Reposting from Neon Revolts Gab Page, this is definitely a notable:


You seriously must listen to this.. go to 33:40


Trump is asked by a press fag “Why isn’t Rudy on your legal team?


Trump replies “I don’t know, maybe he’s got a conflict? Maybe we will use him as a witness?”




Trump is signaling. He is definitely telling you what is about to happen.


What if they were counting on the dems to move for impeachment since day 1? It makes sense, didn’t we all expect it to happen?


I think that impeachment was always part of the plan..


And consider this. Bolton, Brannon, Tillerson, etc etc. everyone keeps getting fired.


Considering that he won’t hire Rudy specifically because he wants him as a witness, it’s extremely likely that’s the same reason why he fired so many people who seemed to be good guys. Conflicts of interest might prevent current officials from testifying in a trails, or from completing their day to day work. It would also be beneficial for our guys to have a large number of witnesses, which firings would allow for.


This is a bit of a tangent, but we can definitely and undoubtedly count on seeing Rudy Giuliani appear as witness very soon.


The storm of the century, or the Trial of the Millenia.