Anonymous ID: def17a Jan. 24, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.7901565   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is exactly correct. There are two distinct faces of evil in the Bible, Lucifer and Satan – the latter incorporating Mammon, worship of materiality.


In his lectures The Fifth Gospel, Rudolf Steiner describes the temptation of Christ by Lucifer, Lucifer and Satan combined, and then Satan alone: this last being the one challenge that remains to be conquered. Christ overcame Lucifer at the baptism by John, and accomplished the crucial deed to defeat Satan through the shedding of the blood on the Cross. But this task is very far from over; and in our era, right now, we face a direct confrontation with the incarnation of the being Rudolf Steiner names as Ahriman, the Persian name for Satan.


Don't forget the three wise kings came from Persia; the Zoroastrians knew all about the advent of Christ. To this day, the Persians are still called "fire-worshippers" in other Islamic countries, they never really succumbed to Islam.


To the point: Lucifer is pride, Ahriman is deception, lies. The truest proof that Ahriman is hard by the door, is the proliferation of "fake news" – along with AI and 5G, fake news is the essence of Ahriman, the true father of lies.


Ahriman was predicted to incarnate in the USA in the second half of the 20th century, and manifest on the world stage in the third decade of the 21st century. He will create an academy that enables people to explore the cosmos through technology, living in a virtual world. It will all be illusions, lies. What lies ahead is … more lies ahead.