Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 24, 2020, 1:20 p.m. No.7902296   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Go back to organic pastured beef tallow, organic ghee, quality lard, extra virgin organic coconut oil. The idea they cause heart disease is just more lies. Pastured butter can be ok if not too high heat as it will burn. Organic extra virgin olive oil is the ONLY olive oil you should use, and it doesn't have a high enough smoke point to cook with before it is heat damaged and harmful. Except for coconut, avocado, olive, the vegetable oils are not good for you. Even peanuts / peanut oil has phyto-estrogens. Any vegetable oil in a clear container on a shelf at room temperature is refined & ruined & dangerous. All vegetable oils should be organic, cold pressed, and extra virgin only as the heat processing and refining created damaged oils that will damage you.