Anonymous ID: 203680 Jan. 24, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.7902183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2209 >>2233


SOOO tired of seeing low IQ posts babbling about MUY religious wisdom ! The anons here are experts are reading symbols, if you turn the the bible you will see a endless stream of symbols proving jesus christ is the first fruits to god. right from the book of genesis, which states that the "seed" of the woman will crush the serpents head, and the serpent will nip his heels. again symbols, the woman does not carry the seed, the man does, which means the birth this woman would have would be a miracle from the beginning !! satan new then that if he corupted the genes of man/woman then the savior could never be born !! corupt how? by genetic minipulation, hence "giants in those days" !!! the order to kill women and children from god was a order to kill nephilim children to protect gods creation, the very act was a act of mercy. But keep spreading your bullshit, all you care about is keeping the anons that are on the fence about the truth of jesus christ in the dark, just like satan would want you to do!. Revelation 2:9 ring a bell ? i for one will always see through your crap, and the many many countless others who spew the same bs as you do.

Anonymous ID: 203680 Jan. 24, 2020, 1:20 p.m. No.7902303   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7902233 LA marzulli has tried for years to prove the existence of "giants" the word giants in the bible is a mistranslated from the Greek word gigantes, which actually meant earth born, but it still is valid despite the mistranslated because they were "giants" but being a giant is actually a genetic trait. what the verse was really saying is that they were genetically manipulated humans. Humans have been misled and lied to for generations about the existence of Nephilim/giants/elongated skulls, by none other then the people of revelation 2:9. Then my fellow "christian" go the McChurches, to get McReligion, taught by a preacher who went to a Mason controlled seminary !!! wake up and read the book for what it is, a book of symbols pointing to one conclusion, Jesus Christ is the messiah !!!