Anonymous ID: 3a5da2 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.7901804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2007 >>2226 >>2341

GOP Sen. Susan Collins Sends Note to Chief Justice Roberts After Nadler Goes on Insane Rant Accusing Republicans of “Cover-Up”


Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) sent Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts a note saying she was “stunned” by Nadler’s insane rant from the Senate floor this week where he accused Republican Senators of a “cover-up.”


Nadler went off on the Senate in a crazy, late night rant accusing Republican senators of casting “treacherous votes,” participating in a “cover-up” and voting “against the United States” for blocking every proposal by Democrats for witnesses and new evidence at the outset of the impeachment trial of President Trump.


Politico reported:


Sen. Susan Collins was “stunned” by Rep. Jerry Nadler’s late-night diatribe this week against what he deemed a “cover-up” by Senate Republicans for President Donald Trump — so much so that she wrote a note to Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. But the Maine Republican said it will not affect her votes during the Senate’s impeachment trial.


In an interview on Thursday, Collins confirmed that she had jotted down a note that eventually made its way to Roberts via Secretary for the Majority Laura Dove. Collins said she believed the back and forth between House Judiciary Chairman Nadler (D-N.Y.) and White House Counsel Pat Cipollone violated Senate rules and felt compelled to point that out, even though senators are required to stay at their desks and not speak during the trial.


“It reminded me that if we were in a normal debate in the Senate, that the rule would be invoked to strike the words of the senator for impugning another senator. So I did write a note raising the issue of whether there’d been a violation of the rules,” Collins said. “I gave that note to Laura Dove and shortly thereafter the chief justice did admonish both sides. And I was glad that he did.”


Nadler lost his mind Tuesday night after all Republican Senators united and blocked SIX amendments brought forth by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, seeking subpoenas on documents related to Ukraine and rules regarding the trial’s procedures.


Nadler’s rant was so shocking that Trump’s lead impeachment lawyer Pat Cipollone shut him down.


“The only one who should be embarrassed, Mr. Nadler, is you. You’re not in charge here!” Cipollone said scolding Nadler.

Anonymous ID: 3a5da2 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.7901828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1842 >>1853 >>2007 >>2226 >>2341

‘Get Rid Of Her’: Recording Appears To Show Trump Ordering Removal Of Ambassador To Ukraine


An audio recording from April 2018 has surfaced in which President Donald Trump appears to order associates to “get rid of” Marie Yovanovitch as ambassador to Ukraine following a conversation with Lev Parnas, a Soviet-born businessman who has been indicted on campaign finance charges.


“Get rid of her!” Trump is ostensibly heard saying of Yovanovitch in the recording, which was reported by ABC News.


“Get her out tomorrow. I don’t care. Get her out tomorrow. Take her out. Okay? Do it.”


According to ABC, Trump made the remarks at an event held on April 30, 2018 at Trump International Hotel for America First Action, a pro-Trump political action committee.


Parnas and an associate, Igor Fruman, contributed $325,000 to the PAC in May 2018. Fruman was indicted alongside Parnas on Oct. 10 on charges that they concealed the true origin of contributions to the PAC and several Republican lawmakers.


Both men have pleaded not guilty, though Parnas has indicated through his attorney that he is willing to cooperate with prosecutors by sharing negative information about Trump and Rudy Giuliani. Parnas began providing text messages last week to House Democrats as part of their impeachment efforts against Trump.


The recording appears to back up some of what Parnas said in interviews earlier in January, while cutting against Trump’s denials that he knows the 47-year-old businessman.


Parnas told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and CNN’s Anderson Cooper that he told Trump about Yovanovitch, and that the president turned to an aide and directed him to fire the career diplomat.


The recording appears to back up some of what Parnas said in interviews earlier in January, while cutting against Trump’s denials that he knows the 47-year-old businessman.


Parnas told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and CNN’s Anderson Cooper that he told Trump about Yovanovitch, and that the president turned to an aide and directed him to fire the career diplomat.

Anonymous ID: 3a5da2 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:33 p.m. No.7901835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1847 >>1870 >>2007 >>2226 >>2341

Adam Schiff, April 2019: Obama Had a Duty to Investigate Candidate Trump


Lead House impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) argued less than a year ago in the Washington Post that a president had a duty to investigate a candidate from the rival party if he was suspected of foreign corruption.


Schiff, reacting to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on “Russia collusion,” justified the Barack Obama administration’s counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign, and said Mueller should have included it.


Schiff wrote that investigating a potential president — even from the opposition — was an urgent matter of national security if there were reason to believe that candidate were working for, or beholden to, a foreign country.


He wrote (emphasis added):


Counterintelligence investigations differ from criminal investigations in their means, scope and ultimate disposition. Their goal is not successful prosecutions, but to identify and mitigate threats to national security. If a foreign power possessed compromising information on a U.S. government official in a position of influence, that is a counterintelligence risk. If a foreign power possessed leverage, or the perception of it, over the president, that is a counterintelligence nightmare.


Schiff added that the public deserved to see the material that the FBI found on the Trump campaign. (We know today that the FBI lied to the FISA court to obtain surveillance warrants on a Trump aide.)


Today, Schiff and the Democrats are arguing that it is an impeachable offense for a president to investigate foreign corruption by a potential president from the opposition — even when, as in the Bidens’ case, former Vice President Joe Biden had a clear conflict of interest while his son, Hunter, was on the board of Ukrainian company Burisma.


According to Schiff just last April, it is not an impeachable offense, but an urgent matter of national security for a president to investigate his potential successor.


It is the president’s duty. That is, unless the president is Donald J. Trump.

Anonymous ID: 3a5da2 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.7901858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1864 >>1876 >>2007 >>2226 >>2341

Boris Johnson and EU Chiefs Sign UK Withdrawal Agreement Heralding Historic Brexit Moment


The President of the European Commission, the head of the European Council, and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson have signed the agreement governing the United Kingdom’s withdrawal of the European Union, one of the final steps towards Brexit at the end of January.


New Commission president Ursula von der Leyen shared photographs of herself and European Council president Charles Michel signing the document — in blue ballpoint pens, an informal touch defying the normal global convention of signing treaties with real ink pens — Friday morning, overlooked in their task by a stern Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator.


The leather-bound, 600-page document was then rushed to London by diplomatic courier where it was signed British Prime Minister Boris Johnson at Downing Street, his official residence. The Prime Minister was photographed signing the document with a fountain pen. Noting the importance of the occasion, Mr Johnson said: “This signature heralds a new chapter in our nation’s history.”


Now the withdrawal agreement has been signed off by Britain’s Parliament, having passed both houses and been made law by Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday, by top Eurocrats von der Leyen and Michel, and by Prime Minister Johnson, the final step is for the document to be ratified by the European Parliament. While there are just seven days to go until the official Brexit date of January 31st, this is not expected to be voted on by MEPs until the last moment, as late as Thursday or Friday next week.

Anonymous ID: 3a5da2 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.7901889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2007 >>2226 >>2341

Migrant Caravan Crosses into Mexico, Clashes with National Guard


Hundreds of members of the new migrant caravan managed to successfully sneak into Mexico through an unguarded area. Hours later as the migrants tried to move north, they clashed with National Guard troops.


The new development started early Thursday when hundreds of migrants in Guatemala walked to a shallow and unguarded spot along the banks of the Suchiate River where they were able to successfully sneak into Mexico, El Universal reported. After crossing, the group began walking along a highway as they prepared to move further north.


A series of videos recorded by Reforma captured the moment when National Guard troops in riot gear blocked the route to take them to immigration detention centers


The new crossing comes days after a group of 500 tried to cross the Suchiate and clashed with authorities. During that attempt, authorities detained 402, 58 managed an escape, and 40 turned back to Guatemala.


The caravan began earlier this month in Honduras where thousands of migrants voiced their intent to reach the U.S. border. Last week, Mexico’s federal government announced it would not grant safe passage–but would welcome those who wanted to request a working immigration status in that country. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador claimed he had 4,000 jobs available for those looking to stay in his country.

Anonymous ID: 3a5da2 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:45 p.m. No.7901943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2007 >>2226 >>2341

Ring Ukraine News Suppressed at Amazon’s Request, Journalists Say


On November 21, the Ukrainian business publication Vector published a genuine regional success story: An Amazon research lab in Kyiv, affiliated with the company’s Ring home security division, was receiving a “rebrand” makeover and a broader new role within the company. The office was already involved “in many other Amazon projects,” a lab manager told Vector. “We are no longer part of a small startup,” he said in Ukranian, “but a full-fledged R&D center working for one of the world’s largest corporations.”


Ring Ukraine has repeatedly drawn scrutiny and criticism over the past year. In November, five U.S. senators, in a letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, released the day before the Vector story, had raised concerns about the Kyiv office’s access to Ring home security footage and other private information and asked whether a foreign government could access the material as well. The letter cited an Intercept report that many employees in the office were provided blanket, inappropriate access to a web server containing customer video files. In response, Ring revealed that it had fired four employees over “access to Ring video data” that “exceeded what was necessary for their job functions.” The company did not say what, if anything, it was doing prevent such incidents in the future.


An August 2019 report in BuzzFeed News found that the Kyiv office employed a “head of face recognition research” despite repeated denials that it uses such technology.


It was intriguing, then, that an R&D lab synonymous with privacy violation had apparently been rewarded with an expanded role within Amazon, whose projects include a special classified cloud with the CIA and facial recognition services for police departments across the country. I asked multiple Amazon representatives and Ring’s head of communications about the Vector article, including specifically what were the “many other Amazon projects” Ring’s Ukrainian staff now worked on.


Although Amazon ignored repeated requests for comment and Ring refused to discuss the subject on the record, it seems that the company did take action: Within hours of my inquiries, the text of the Vector piece was quietly edited to remove references to Amazon. Most notably, the entire quoted sentence about the “many other Amazon projects” the Kyiv office was working on was excised.

Anonymous ID: 3a5da2 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.7901972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2003 >>2024

TV: Fearing ‘trap,’ Gantz almost certain to reject White House invitation


Channel 12 reports party fears move is part of a Netanyahu plan to push Blue and White leader into a corner and embarrass him, notes decision could change if US applies pressure


Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz has decided to reject an invitation from US President Donald Trump to visit Washington next week for a meeting on the long-awaited Middle East peace plan, Israeli TV reported Friday night.


The Channel 12 report, citing sources in the party, said that Blue and White’s leadership was unanimous in the decision not to go to Washington, but noted that massive US pressure could still force Gantz to change his mind.


Gantz and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were invited to the White House next Tuesday, the day the Knesset is set to vote on establishing the committee that will weigh the premier’s request to be protected from corruption charges in three criminal cases.


Gantz is expected to make a statement on the latest developments at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday.


Channel 12 said Gantz feared the invitation was a “trap,” specifying that he did not know what role he would have in the “performance” in Washington and that it wasn’t clear what his standing would be.


The report said Gantz was also unsure on how Trump would treat him in relation to Netanyahu, who has a long and friendly history with the US leader.

Anonymous ID: 3a5da2 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.7902094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2226 >>2341

GAO Says Federal Trust Fund Bankruptcy Crisis Extends Far Beyond Social Security and Medicare


WASHINGTON—A new report contains blunt warning signs of an approaching fiscal crisis in federal trust funds backing Social Security, Medicare, flood insurance, and many other programs, according to Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.).


“The GAO’s new report is another warning sign that Social Security, Medicare, and other trust fund programs on which many Americans rely are in danger of going broke,” Enzi said Jan. 23 in releasing the Government Accounting Office (GAO) analysis.


“Congress will need to work in a bipartisan manner to safeguard these programs to ensure they are able to provide for those who need them now, and in the future,” Enzi said in a statement accompanying the release.


Enzi and budget panel member Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) requested the report, which took more than a year to complete.


Braun said the report highlights the need for political leaders to confront the trust fund problem without further delays.


“The nation is $23 trillion in debt and is now running trillion-dollar deficits,” Braun said in the statement. “Congress needs to come together and make tough decisions to preserve these trust fund programs that so many Americans depend on for their way of life, for today and for generations to come.”

Anonymous ID: 3a5da2 Jan. 24, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.7902146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

At least 8 dead in E. Turkey 6.8 earthquake ‘felt all the way to Tel Aviv’ (PHOTO, VIDEO)


A 6.8 earthquake in eastern Turkey has claimed at least eight lives and caused several buildings to collapse, according to authorities. The quake was centered in the province of Elazig and was felt as far away as Tel Aviv, Israel.


The quake struck near the town of Sivrice but was felt in other neighboring countries, including Syria, Georgia, Lebanon and Armenia. Its depth was measured at 10 kilometers by EMSC and it was violent enough to send people running outdoors for safety, according to local media.

Anonymous ID: 3a5da2 Jan. 24, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.7902160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2203 >>2226 >>2341

Chinese authorities announce first CURED coronavirus patient discharged from hospital in Shanghai


The Shanghai Municipal Health Commission has confirmed that a patient infected with the deadly coronavirus has, for the first time since the outbreak, been cured and discharged from hospital.


After six days, the patient, a 56-year-old woman identified only as Chen, showed a significant improvement in her respiratory symptoms. Two independent blood tests for the coronavirus came back negative, as did pulmonary CT scans, according to the state-owned Beijing Daily newspaper.


The patient was then released from quarantine following a further examination by experts deployed to tackle the disease.


Chen reportedly lived in Wuhan, the city at the center of the outbreak, for many years. She developed fever and fatigue on January 10 and was hospitalized in Shanghai on January 12.


A staggering 23 million people have been quarantined as Chinese authorities attempt to contain the outbreak which so far has claimed the lives of some 26 people and infected a further 800, at least.


Local authorities in Wuhan are attempting to build a specialized treatment facility in the next 10 days to house all coronavirus patients under one roof, to further limit the spread of the virus. The China Development Bank has granted the city a two billion yuan ($290 million) emergency loan to help fight the outbreak.