Anonymous ID: 6b6444 Jan. 24, 2020, 1:03 p.m. No.7902135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2157 >>2178 >>2394 >>2396


I kinda think we all need our dam heads examined if we think this "state funeral" hint is going to yield as direct and conventional an outcome as the one we're all jumping on.


Would Q essentially post "someone important bout to die" a day before it happens? Wouldn't that look too tight? Too causative? Have we learned nothing by now? Tons of predictions still haven't openly happened 2 years later, but we think a BIG "head of state" type death prediction for the next day(s) will happen without some twist? I think all bets are off not just on WHO will die, but even IF it's a "who." What other types of "states" and "funerals" r there?


LA are enuf ET ats! (backwards) Who knows!


I've taken some guesses over the last 24-hours and even posted them on twitter, but now that I've had some time to think, outside of the bright lights and excitement of a new Q-drop, there'll be no pool entry from me! I think we're in for something different. But maybe DEADPOOL is what we're supposed to be looking at. 18:27 not far from now. Kek. Showtime?