Anonymous ID: 7cea19 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.7901929   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2007 >>2226 >>2341



Somebody did the same in Canada in 2018.

Getting rid of poisoned foodstuffs?


B.C. man who accidentally poured 16,680 litres of wine down drain fails to get job back

Anonymous ID: 7cea19 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:52 p.m. No.7902024   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2035



Trump is bringing the opposition in order to discuss the ELIMINATION of Israel entirely

By uniting it with Jordan

To create the new United Palestine.

In this sovereign nation, Aliyah will be no more, because there will be freedom of religion and structures set up to ensure that no group can dominate. Syria has something like this which is why Christians and Muslims lived together in peace until ISIS intervened. In fact, President Assad is from a minority Muslim group, neither Shia or Sunni.

Anonymous ID: 7cea19 Jan. 24, 2020, 1:08 p.m. No.7902181   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2213 >>2256 >>2338



You have to understand the Cabal symbolism


JASON led the Argonauts to Colchis (which is Georgia) to capture the Golden Fleece. The Kartvelian natives used to slaughter sheep in the early winter, freeze the meet, and prepare the skins with the wool still on. They had lots and lots and lots of these fleece, more than they needed.

So, when the snow began to melt they placed these wool side up in mountain streams, held in place by rocks. Later, around June, when the flow of water slowed way down, they took the fleece out, hung them on tree branches and waited for them to dry.


This is when the Greeks pounced!

They stole all the fleece, built big bonfires and threw the skins on them. Next morning when the fire had burnt out leaving just ashes and a few coals, they collected nuggets and sheets of gold from the ashes.


Therefore JASON symbolizes those who set up new scams to make money from the serfs. If you google Order of Golden Fleece you will find that the Satanic bloodlines we call the Royal Families of Europe, have been doing this for centuries.


And we let them get away with it.

Anonymous ID: 7cea19 Jan. 24, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.7902258   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2293



He was born at the source of the Nile where it flows from Lake Victoria. His mother gave birth at the edge of the river and placed him in a basket made of reeds which she pushed into the river.

A short distance downstream, a royal princess (who had been travelling with the Queen on her Royal Yacht visiting India) caught the basket, removed the child and named him in Hebrew Baraq O Bama, meaning LIGHTNING ON THE MOUNTAIN, i.e. Lucifer or Satan.


He was the true Messiah following the first Messiah called Mosheh who was on the mountain when lightning struck and lit the bushes on fire. At that time, Mosheh, who was a Prince of Egypt, went into a trance and spoke to Lucifer directly and received the 10 Laws or Commandments from him.


Yes, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all Satanic religions based on teachings of Lucifer channeled through various prophets.