Anonymous ID: d170fd Jan. 24, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.7902237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2251 >>2290 >>2315

Hear me out.


If the cult still controls the CCP then they give zero fucks about the loss of lives in China. They would be perfectly willing to sacrifice a metropolitan area w an intl airport to spread a virus. Why did they wait 10 hours to lock the city down, allowing a large portion to escape a justified quarantine? A thought I had is that the cult might be concerned that the situation in Hong Kong was causing problems in Mainland China and that they needed to go ahead and institute military control over the populace to get ahead of it. Another thought I had is that this virus is worse than we are hearing and they used a city w an intl airport to spread it ww hoping to force a ww pandemic which might cause a delay in Q's plan. Moves and Countermoves. We took their Iran wild card off of the table, now one of their last proxies(maybe the last) to carry out attacks is the CCP mafia.