Anonymous ID: 8568a2 Jan. 24, 2020, 3:30 p.m. No.7903499   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3509 >>3521 >>3523 >>3526 >>3533 >>3534 >>3536 >>3539 >>3542 >>3551 >>3553 >>3564 >>3590 >>3606 >>3637 >>3650 >>3738 >>3828 >>3857 >>3904 >>3919

California Inmate Has Now Beaten to Death 2 Child Molesters With a Cane While in Prison, Authorities Say

By Pluralist | Jan 23, 2020


A California inmate caused the deaths of two child molesters after beating their heads with a walking cane last week, authorities said.


Jonathan Watson, 41, allegedly attacked David Bobb, 48, and Graham De Luis-Conti, 62, on Thursday at the California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison in Corcoran. They were taken to the hospital with head wounds.


Bobb died en route. Luis-Conti was pronounced dead three days later.


Both men were serving life prison sentences for aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14 years old.



Anonymous ID: 8568a2 Jan. 24, 2020, 4:22 p.m. No.7903930   🗄️.is đź”—kun

1600 Daily

The White House • January 24, 2020

The dishonest impeachment case


Today marks the end of House Democrats’ 3-day presentation of their historically weak Articles of Impeachment against President Trump. Starting tomorrow, the President will have a chance to respond to Democrats’ dishonest case.


As expected, the media is going the extra mile to prop up Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) performance this week. Their hope, much like Schiff’s argument itself, is that if you repeat a lie enough, people might soon forget you don’t have any actual evidence for it.


MUST WATCH: Caught! ABC anchor tries to cut off the President’s counsel


That strategy was on full display in today’s finale. Schiff spent long portions of his presentation lecturing Senators on the importance of U.S. security aid to Ukraine, claiming that President Trump undermined it. The truth, of course, is that President Trump is the one who secured that lethal defense aid for Ukraine in the first place, reversing the Obama Administration’s policy of weak support.


It gets better. Guess who voted against authorizing the assistance for Ukraine? House Democrats’ own impeachment managers. Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) voted no on the FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which included $300 million for Ukraine. Nadler joined Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) in voting against the FY2019 NDAA, as well, with its $250 million for Ukraine.


Unfortunately, this behavior is par for the course for Democrats in Washington lately. Their obsession with attacking President Trump has led to all sorts of outright lies over the past 3 years, many of which the media simply declined to fact-check:


Beginning in 2017, Schiff lied multiple times that he had seen evidence of collusion between President Trump and Russia. Of course, the Mueller Report exposed that as a leftwing hoax—so Schiff just moved on to Ukraine.


Also in 2017, Schiff tried to repeatedly mislead the public on the credibility of the debunked Steele dossier. In 2018, he issued a memo to Republicans stating that the FBI and Justice Department didn’t abuse the surveillance process to spy on the Trump campaign. That is now a proven falsehood.


Chasing another hoax, Schiff tried to obtain compromising photos of the President that never even existed. He was duped by Russian pranksters.


It was discovered that Schiff’s team coordinated with the whistleblower at the center of the Ukraine allegations before the complaint was ever even filed. Schiff had previously lied that there was no contact with the whistleblower.


That’s just a small sample of some of the worst lies from one Democrat impeachment manager. But no matter how many things they make up, the facts of the case won’t change: President Trump is not accused of a corrupt action or of breaking the law. He is under attack by avowed political enemies on the subjective basis of motive and intent because they disagree with his policies.


Think about that as a precedent.