Anonymous ID: f9539d Jan. 24, 2020, 2:58 p.m. No.7903217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3240 >>3359 >>3447 >>3501 >>3650 >>3805 >>3904

Adam Schiff Closing Argument: Russia Carried out ‘Coup’ Against U.S. By Manipulating Trump


Lead House impeachment manager Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) claimed on the Senate floor Friday afternoon that Russia had carried out a propaganda “coup” by manipulating President Donald Trump.


Schiff, delivering the closing address on the third day of House Democrats’ opening argument on the first article of impeachment, claimed that Russia had done a “psychological profile” of Trump and manipulated him into believing Russian intelligence.


Drawing selectively from the president’s past statements, Schiff claimed that Trump believed Russia’s claims that Ukraine had interfered with the 2016 presidential election, ignoring U.S. intelligence agencies’ assessments.


In fact, Trump has acknowledged for years that Russia “meddled” in the last presidential election, explicitly saying that he accepted the conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies, though he says he did not think Russia’s intervention affected the outcome, and he also has long believed that “others” also attempted to influence the outcome.


Schiff portrayed Trump as a puppet being controlled by Russia: “It’s not just a propaganda coup, it’s not just the undermining of our agencies. It’s also that the buy-in to that propaganda meant that Ukraine wasn’t going to get money to fight the Russians. I mean, that’s one hell of a Russian intelligence coup. … Has there ever been such a coup? I would submit to you that in the entire length of the Cold War, the Soviet Union had no such success.”


In fact, Trump provided, and has continued to provide lethal military aid to Ukraine, unlike President Barack Obama.


Going further, Schiff accused Trump of “betrayal” of his country, playing a debunked video clip of then-candidate Trump allegedly inviting Russia to interfere in the presidential election (Trump was joking at a press conference).


Schiff urged the Senate to remove Trump from office because of the risk of having a president so easily manipulated, and who would “coerce an ally” to investigate a political opponent.


“You cannot leave a man like that in office.”

Anonymous ID: f9539d Jan. 24, 2020, 3 p.m. No.7903239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3258

MSM Fawns In Sync Over Adam Schiff's Marathon Impeachment Screed


On Friday, House Democrats took a room full of Senators hostage for a third day to present their case in the impeachment trial of President Trump - dominated largely by hours of well-worn arguments by House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Adam Schiff (D-CA).


Schiff, who oversaw months of impeachment testimony (the genesis of which his own office was involved in, and he lied about) delivered what Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy described as an "unbelievably boring" performance.

Anonymous ID: f9539d Jan. 24, 2020, 3:03 p.m. No.7903264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3278 >>3557

Corona-Contagion Crashes Commodity/Stock Markets Worldwide, Bonds & Bullion Bid


As @GreekFire32 correctly mocked:


"Of all the fundamental catalysts like sliding economic growth, inflation, earnings, cash flow… the bears had to wait for a virus from humans eating bat soup to get a 1% sell-off "


A black bat or black cat spoiled the party…


"probably nothing…"


For a sense of the damage (or perhaps more of the calm we have encountered in the last few months)…


Shanghai Comp's worst week in 8 months


S&P 500's worst week in 5 months


"Most Shorted" stocks had their biggest weekly drop in 4 months


France's CAC 40 worst week in almost 4 months


VIX's biggest weekly spike in almost 6 months


HY Bond Prices worst week in almost 5 months


Treasury yields biggest weekly drop in 4 months


Yield curve's biggest weekly flattening in 2 months


USD's best week in 2 months


Yuan's worst week in 4 months


Copper's worst week in over 5 years


Oil's biggest weekly drop in 8 months


Gold's 6th weekly rise in last 7 weeks


China ended notably weaker this week (China closed on Friday for lunar new year celebration)…



Anonymous ID: f9539d Jan. 24, 2020, 3:07 p.m. No.7903294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3307

Bushfires may crimp living standards long term as insurance costs hit $2b


The insurance bill for this season's bushfires and hail storms has risen above $2.1 billion as economists warn the country will pay for the disasters with lower living standards long term.


Economists believe the full impact of the fires will be felt over the next six months, particularly in areas directly reliant on tourists and household consumption, before a rebound by year's end and into 2021.


But as governments seek to "adapt and mitigate" against the threat of future fires and climate change, there are growing concerns resources that would otherwise make the economy more efficient will have to be diverted into delivering everyday services.


The fires, together with this week's hail storms, are on track to be one of the most expensive natural disasters in terms of insurance claims on record.


The Insurance Council of Australia said more than 20,000 claims had been received relating to bushfires since November 8. The current estimated loss is $1.65 billion.


Assessors are still to get into some areas hit by the bushfires.


The hail storms that swept through Victoria, the ACT and NSW earlier this week have resulted in more than 55,600 claims, with an estimated value loss of $514 million. More than half of those claims are from Canberra, which was hit by a bushfire near the city's airport two days later.


Combined, the insurance costs have gone past the impact of the Black Saturday fires that hit Victoria in 2009.


BIS Oxford Economics, in research released on Friday, said the impact of drought and fires on the agriculture sector alone would be up to 0.2 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP), or almost $4 billion.


This is phase two of the attack on the Aus people no?

Anonymous ID: f9539d Jan. 24, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.7903336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3343 >>3346

LGBTQ sports outlet calls trans MMA fighter 'bravest athlete in history' for fighting women as a biological male




An opinion columnist for the LGBTQ sports media outlet Outsports called transgender mixed martial arts fighter Fallon Fox the "bravest athlete in history" in a recent article. Fox is a biological male who fights women.


Fox came out as transgender in 2013 and was predictably criticized for attempting to compete in violent physical combat with women as a biological male who only identifies as a woman.


The Outsports writer, Cyd Zeigler, credited Fox for persevering through the harsh criticism and continuing to pursue a fighting career.


In 2013, when Fallon Fox came out publicly as trans in professional mixed martial arts, she was the target of a torrent of hatred I have literally never seen targeting an LGBTQ athlete. While certainly some writers took thoughtful approaches to understanding this emerging dynamic of trans athletes in women's sports, still many more, like Joe Rogan, were vicious for the sake of being vicious.


Yet Fox stood strong and continued to push for, and earn, her right to compete. Except for one fateful match, she also won every time she stepped into the professional ring.


One of the women Fox defeated in a fight, Tamikka Brents, said afterward that there was a noticeable difference between fighting Fox and fighting a woman. Brents suffered a concussion and suffered several broken orbital bones during the loss.


"I've fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night," Brents said.


Fox has undergone both hormone replacement therapy and gender transition surgery. Fox said because he no longer has testicles, he has lower testosterone than most women he fights, putting him at a disadvantage.


Rogan is facing backlash for his 2013 stance on Fox, especially in light of his sort-of endorsement of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for the Democratic presidential nomination.


"She calls herself a woman but I tend to disagree," Rogan said in 2013. "And she used to be a man but now she has had, she's a transgender which is (the) official term that means you've gone through it, right? And she wants to be able to fight women in MMA. I say no f***ing way.


"I say if you had a dk at one point in time, you also have all the bone structure that comes with having a dk," Rogan continued. "You have bigger hands, you have bigger shoulder joints. You're a f*ing man. That's a man, OK? You can't have… that's… I don't care if you don't have a dk any more."

Anonymous ID: f9539d Jan. 24, 2020, 3:13 p.m. No.7903354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3447 >>3650 >>3904

Twitter Puts Warning on Trump Team's Pro-Life Video Featuring Smiling Babies


Twitter censored and attached a warning to a pro-life ad from the Trump campaign that featured beautiful babies growing in the womb, being hugged by the president, and playing on playgrounds. Twitter hid the video for a short time on Friday with this warning, "This media may contain sensitive material." In order to see it, a viewer would have to click through the warning. The video, seen below, has nothing sensitive in it except to disagree with Democrats who think it's okay to kill babies. The pro-life message that life is worthwhile and babies deserve to live was loud and clear in the message. There was nothing inappropriate about it.


"We know that life is the greatest miracle of all," says the president over a beautiful image of a developing baby. "We see it in the eyes of every new mother who cradles that wonderful, innocent, and glorious newborn child in her loving arms," he continues over images of mothers getting ultrasounds and holding new babies. "Under my administration, we will always defend the very first right in the Declaration of Independence and that is the right to life," he says as our founding documents are shown. "Virtually every top Democrat lawmaker also now supports taxpayer-funded abortion right up to the moment of birth," says Trump as pictures of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren float by. "These are living, feeling, beautiful babies who will never get the chance to share their love and their dreams with the world." As these words are spoken, images and videos of beautiful smiling babies and children are shown. "It is wrong. It has to change. But this movement can only succeed with the heart and the soul and the prayer of the people," says Trump over crowd shots of various March For Life rallies. "Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life," he finishes.


This ad should never have been censored and Twitter did take the warning off after complaints. But to be fair, the president needs to watch his own ad more often because the last budget bill that he signed is the reason we are still funding Planned Parenthood. If he believes his own campaign messages then he should never again sign a bill that gives our money to those baby butchers. Until he stops that, we must consider him as one of the politicians who continues to allow tax-payer funded abortion in America. Life Site News reported on the omnibus continued funding of Planned Parenthood in December.


Planned Parenthood receives over $500 million annually from the federal government, a situation not addressed by the latest deal; the Associated Press describes GOP pro-life efforts as having merely “maintained the status quo on several abortion-related battles.”


While it is good that he will speak at the March For Life rally on Friday in defense of babies, he needs to do more than speak to stop the spread of abortion in this country through our tax dollars. He could have shut down the government to avoid continuing the practice but he did not. The buck stops at his desk. Do better, Mr. President.

Anonymous ID: f9539d Jan. 24, 2020, 3:14 p.m. No.7903364   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Minister confirms two cases of novel coronavirus in France


France became the first European country to report the novel coronavirus infection on its territory


MOSCOW, January 24. /TASS/. Two cases of novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV have been confirmed in France’s Paris and Bordeaux, the France Info radio station said on Friday citing Minister for Solidarity and Health Agnes Buzyn.


According to the minister, France became the first European country to report the novel coronavirus infection on its territory.


Commenting on the Bordeaux case, Buzyn said that "the patient, aged 48, returned from China via the city of Wuhan." He had contacts with 12 persons.


Earlier in the day, the SOS Medecins organization said that a man was admitted to a hospital in Bordeaux, suffering from symptoms of the novel coronavirus. When interviewed, the man confirmed that he had recently visited the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak.


On December 31, 2019, the Chinese authorities notified the World Health Organization (WHO) about the outbreak of the new type of pneumonia in Wuhan, a city with a population of more than 11 million people. The culprit - 2019-nCoV coronavirus - was identified on January 7, 2020.


According to the latest data, about 900 people were infected with the new disease in China, and 26 of them died. The coronavirus is also identified in Vietnam, South Korea, the United States, Singapore and Japan. On January 23, the WHO refrained from declaring an international emergency over the outbreak of the virus that originated in China.

Anonymous ID: f9539d Jan. 24, 2020, 3:15 p.m. No.7903371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3382

Homeowner armed with gun confronts apparent intruder — and stops him permanently with one shot


The incident went down about midnight in New Mexico


A New Mexico homeowner told Albuquerque police an intruder entered his residence around midnight Saturday, KOB-TV reported.


But once again, an American citizen chose to exercise his Second Amendment rights and had a gun on hand.


With that, after a confrontation between the homeowner and the alleged intruder, the homeowner fired a single shot, the station said, citing initial remarks provided to 911.


Emergency services said the suspect was dead when they arrived at the scene, KOB reported.

Who is the suspect?


Police released the identity of the suspect — Felix Yazzie — on Wednesday, the station said.


Gilbert Gallegos, a police spokesman, said the department ruled the shooting a "likely justifiable homicide," the Albuquerque Journal reported, adding that the case was turned over to the district attorney for review.

Anything else?


A KOB reporter said he spoke to a man who remarked that he's lived in the neighborhood for about nine years and that it's relatively quiet and was surprised about the incident.


Here's a preliminary video report from KOB:–and-stops-him-permanently-with-one-shot

Anonymous ID: f9539d Jan. 24, 2020, 3:29 p.m. No.7903485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3520

US Navy Investigates Secretly Recorded Videos of Service Members Downloaded on Pornhub - Reports


US Navy officials are reportedly investigating dozens of videos of service members which were secretly recorded through a bathroom peephole and posted on a porn site.


The videos were shared on Pornhub and featured several sailors and Marines while wearing their uniforms with visible name patches, according to NBC News. An agent from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service who discovered the videos said they also include civilians.


The officials believe the videos were taken through a peephole in a bathroom, with the individuals not aware that they were filmed. The footage shows people changing clothes but no sexual acts were captured, according to the official.


The patches indicated that at least some of the individuals in the videos were assigned to the USS Emory S. Land, a vessel that supplies submarines and is assigned to a port in Guam, however, the time frame remains unknown.


The officials said that the videos have been taken down from Pornhub. Representatives from the command in Guam and a legal advocate are assisting with notifications of the people identified in the footage.


Blake White, vice president of Pornhub, said the site had received a request from NCIS "to remove the material in question and we did. We are currently working alongside them to assist with their investigation. Here at Pornhub, we immediately remove any content that violates our terms of use as soon as we are made aware of it."

Anonymous ID: f9539d Jan. 24, 2020, 3:31 p.m. No.7903512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3690

Transport Restricted in 11 Chinese Cities. Officers in Hazmat Suits with Automatic Rifles Deployed


On January 24th, Chinese health authorities announced that 830 confirmed cases the coronavirus (2019-nCoV) had been reported in 29 provincial-level regions in the country.


Among them, 34 had been cured and discharged from hospitals, according to the National Health Commission.


A total of 1,072 suspected cases have been reported in 20 provincial-level regions, according to the commission.


So far, 25 had died, 24 of them in central China’s Hubei Province and one in north China’s Hebei Province.


As of midnight, on January 24th, five confirmed cases had been reported in Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and Taiwan, with two in Hong Kong, two in Macao and one in Taiwan.


Overseas, three cases had been confirmed in Thailand, with two of them already cured.


One case was cured in Japan.


The Republic of Korea, the United States and Singapore had confirmed one case each, with Vietnam confirming two.


The first cases of coronavirus in Europe have been confirmed by French health authorities. French Health Minister Agnes Buzyn said that one patient is being treated in Paris, and the other is in Bordeaux.


Finally, a total of 9,507 close contacts have been traced. Out of them 8,420 are under observation, 1,087 were discharged.


National outlet Xinhua reported that China was mobilizing medical teams to aid in Wuhan. The first group of 135 medical workers from hospitals in Shanghai is scheduled to fly to Wuhan on the evening of January 24th. Shanghai will dispatch 405 medical workers in three groups to Wuhan.


An aid team consisting of 205 experienced doctors and nurses from nine hospitals in Guangdong Province has been set up and stands ready to leave for Wuhan.


On January 24th, Hubei province upgraded its public health emergency response from Level II to Level I. Other provincial-level regions, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hunan and Anhui have also activated the top-level response to the epidemic situation.

Anonymous ID: f9539d Jan. 24, 2020, 4 p.m. No.7903759   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nadler: ‘President Trump is a Dictator and He Must be Removed From Office’


House impeachment manager Rep. Jerrold Nadler on Friday called President Trump a “dictator” from the Senate floor.


Nadler told the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump that he is a “dictator” because he exercised his right to assert executive privilege.


All of a sudden the executive branch taking congressional subpoenas to the courts is a crime.


There are three separated branches of government for precisely this reason, but Nadler and Schiff are so drunk on power that they are seeking to remove a duly elected President for non-crimes.


“Only his will goes. He is a dictator. This must not stand and that is another reason why he must be removed from office, ” Nadler said.