Anonymous ID: 8e8fd4 Jan. 24, 2020, 6:01 p.m. No.7905010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5188 >>5307 >>5310

The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt


'The granite box inside Khafre's pyramid has the same characteristics as the boxes inside the Serapeum. Yet the boxes in the Serapeum were ascribed to the 18 th dynasty, over 1100 years later when stone working was supposedly in decline. Considering that this dating was based on pottery items that were found and not the boxes themselves, it would be reasonable to speculate that the boxes have not been dated accurately. Their characteristics show that their creators used the same tools and were blessed with the same skill and knowledge as those who created Khafre's pyramid. Moreover, the boxes in both locations are evidence of a much higher purpose than mere burial sarcophagi. They are finished to a high accuracy; their corners are remarkably square, and their inside corners worked down to a dimension that is sharper than what one would expect to find in an artifact from prehistory. All of these features are extremely difficult to accomplish and none of them necessary for a mere burial box.


Staggering Implications

While it may be argued that modern man cannot impose a modern perspective on artifacts that are thousands of years old, an appreciation of the level of precision found in these artifacts is lacking in archaeological literature and is only revealed by an understanding what it takes to produce this kind of work. As an engineer and craftsman, who has worked in manufacturing for over 40 years and who has created precision artifacts in our modern world, in my opinion this accomplishment in prehistory deserves more recognition . Nobody does this kind of work unless there is a very high purpose for the artifact. Even the concept of this kind of precision does not occur to an artisan unless there is no other means of accomplishing what the artifact is intended to do. The only other reason that such precision would be created in an object would be that the tools that are used to create it are so precise that they are incapable of producing anything less than precision. With either scenario, we are looking at a higher civilization in prehistory than what is currently accepted. To me, the implications are staggering.

Anonymous ID: 8e8fd4 Jan. 24, 2020, 6:16 p.m. No.7905188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5210 >>5247



OK, so the Cabal have been keeping secrets about advanced technology known thousands of years ago, in the early days of Egypt. Plato tell us of Atlantis, with advanced technology, that was wiped out by a tsunami. And we have found archaeological finds that indicate technology does not necessarily advance slowly and linearly.


The stone from Dendera and Saqqara are on such find, hiding in plain site. The Antikythera mechanism is another. It has been thoroughly examined and a replica has been rebuilt.


What if an astronomer-mathemetician in Atlantis

Wrote a tech on Astronomy and Geometry

A copy of it was taken to the far provinces of the east

Where the Nile river flows

Then the Clovis meteors hit

A Tsunami wiped Atlantis from the earth

And the book fell into the hands of learned shamans

Living in the swamps along the river

And they struggled to understand what it meant

Finally, there was consensus

It is holy scripture from the gods.


Thus was born the Egyptian priesthood,

Which budded off groups to other lands like Babylon

And eventually, when an asiatic wanderer became king

And tried to impose his undertanding of one god, tengri, upon the land

Civil war broke out

The Asians fled into the desert across the red sea

And wandered for 40 years

And spawned several new religions

And nobody noticed that it was a science book.


Now is the time

Anonymous ID: 8e8fd4 Jan. 24, 2020, 6:40 p.m. No.7905438   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In other words he channeled the words of an ET, a disembodied spirit, a demon or an angel.


Aleister Crowley did the same.


All the occultists do this.

The Vril society got their plans for an anti-gravity flying disc this way, and German scientists eventually built one and it worked in 1928.


But you always have to ask yourself the same questions that we all asked when we first saw Q's drops on 4chan. Does it ring true? Is this message from a beneficial entity like an angel?


And then you have to ask, is the channel clear or could it be compromised. Sure, the crumbs come through 5 by 5, but can you understand them, decode the message, make sense of it all.


Here are two such books that are channeled from sources that I believe to be angelic.


The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events: A Seth Book

Channeled by Jane Roberts

This is one of many books from the entity that used the name Seth. In his case he made it clear that he was the guardian angel of both Jane and her husband. Their souls, like all human souls, were fragments of a larger Oversoul that we call a guardian angel


A Course in Miracles

is the second PDF. The complete UR text of 2013 pages.