Anonymous ID: 3ef9ec Jan. 24, 2020, 7:55 p.m. No.7906184   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thinking way outside the box here. Anybody done a dig on the 'unreal people' globally? It has been said that there are a couple billion 'unreals' that function as worker bee slaves above ground.


A few breads back, forgive me on not saving it to reference but snakes connected to coronavirus? Ring a bell. Another dig on the Nagas(snake people who lived underground). What if some of their DNA was used in this current strain which could account for those at a loss in the medical field who have never seen anything like this.


So back to economy on China, get rid of the 'unreals' and it opens up a hole in jobs available.


Build that hospital geared to target only the "coronavirus" and have this medical healing center up and running by February 3(no other country can build this fast, permits, unions…) But what if this facility is 'multi dimensional' in healing many species, I mean unknown strains. (graphic source)