Anonymous ID: f07bdd Jan. 24, 2020, 9 p.m. No.7906761   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7905725 pb

>The Plan

>House didn’t want to go to Court to enforce subpoenas and/or litigate POTUS invocation of Exec Priv. They say it was because of “urgency”, but I wager they had other reasons for not wanting to go to Court.

>So they sped thru their investigations and passed two Impeachment Articles. And now we’re in the Senate Trial.

>House Managers are now trying to slow down the Senate Trial and they want the Senate to subpoena witnesses. And they are again arguing the Senate should just do it instead of taking it to Court. McConnell “tabled” all of those requests.

>Guess they figure if the Senate – Trump’s firewall in Congress – issues a subpoena, Trump might feel cornered and capitulate. But again – why are the House Dems so opposed/afraid of litigation in court?

>Because they can get away with lying as long as this process stays within Congress. The second it goes to Court, they lose all leverage and the narrative falls apart under the studious scrutiny of the courts. Courts which DJT has spent three years stacking. SCOTUS, too.

>So here’s what might end up happening:

>House makes their prosecutorial case. Defense team makes their defense case. Senate deliberates. During deliberation, Senate may decide after all to hear from witnesses. Those “tabled” requests from Schumer come back up. House Managers get giddy. Subpoenas are issued, POTUS again claims Exec Priv. The MSM and Dems lambast the President.

>THEN… The Senate says “Ok, you can do that Mr. President. No prob. We’ll go to Court to enforce our subpoenas and see what they think of your Exec Priv claims in this case.” (Just like Lindsey Graham recently said he’d do in such a situation).

>House Dems get less giddy. Senate Trial goes on pause. Senate and POTUS go to Court in classified setting. What arguments and evidence would DJT bring out at that point? Has he been stonewalling all this time just to ensure he gets taken to court? Does DJT WANT to go to court for some other reason?

>“How do you introduce evidence?”


>So maybe fireworks happen in Court. DJT’s nasty evidence of traitors and swamp monsters FINALLY comes to light in a full judicial setting. Durham and Barr get called in. Moar holy fucks happen. The lid gets blown off of everything Q has been telling us. All those sealed indictments get unsealed.

>More trials spin out from here for all those indicted. DC is roiled in chaos and litigation. Congress is neutered – many members will have been named in the indictments. Those members will either be prosecuted or impeached (then prosecuted). Swamp bleeds, loses all control.

>Eventually, a ruling is made on the case brought by the Senate. It is determined that DJT was within his right to invoke Exec Priv and defy subpoenas, which kills the Obstruction of Congress peach mints. And by now, it will be understood why DJT has been making all these moves against the swamp, which kills the (already legally baseless) Abuse of Power peach mints.

>Senate Trial finally resumes for about an hour – just long enough to vote for acquittal, which nullifies the House impeachment forever. (Sorry Nancy)

>The country is rocked and shocked. The presidential race becomes wildly one-sided. Trump wins 90% of the electorate. Congress turns Red in both chambers at the next congressional election. DNC is all but dead and the party must rebuild its honor. (So long and thanks for all the keks!)

>The end. 🇺🇸

Bringing this back from couple breads ago.

Anon is on to something.