Anonymous ID: 0dcc6b Jan. 24, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.7907315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7361 >>7407

Q drops = Program code


“What makes a good movie?” - Actors


You’re watching a “scripted” (programming) movie




There’s a programming language called ASAS (Actor/ Scriptor Animation System) which is a procedural offshoot language of LISP.


ASAS very simple language including Actors, Operators (standing by), *Behavioral characteristics of each actor. ASAS on Cartesian plane x,y,z axes like the stringers? It allows for multivariate modeling and processing of info which is very familiar with quantum processing with respects to its use of POV as a superposition [secure picture generation?]. I simply can’t explain how Q could be so right about the future without some sort of wormhole or 99% confidence interval quantum model.


This allows cameras to be stretched, rotated, zoomed in and out on the inner most axis while manipulating the others etc. I also found a system called “ASAS” used by the army and airforce.


I also believe that TRON/BTC/ADA etc have much to do with this in conjunction with Alice in Wonderland/Q. The Chronosphere In “Through the looking glass” allows alice to travel through time to save the Madhatter’s family. There is a company named which specializes in big data modeling which I think could potentially be generating these quantum models.


Mad hatter(AIW) and Dillinger (TRON)’s names both appear in original Satoshi coms. The original Satoshi emails also make mention of “counter-terrorism measures” at least once, there is absolutely no way it was not a government/MI funded project.


When Kim Jong un went to Singapore, the Singapore PM posted a photo of Tron on his FB and where they were going. TRON’s Independence Day was the same day as the TIME magazine cover with Q+ and Kim Jong. Also interesting is that one of Ethereum’s lead devs was just arrested for teaching NK how to use ethereum to circumvent sanctions.


Also Justin sun acquired BitTorrent which appeared in original Satoshi comms as well as a suggestion for the successful tokenization of a P2P file sharing service The crowdfund for BTT led by Tron completed in 14 mins 41 seconds, which leads to drop 1441 starting the clock in Singapore.


Sun just met with Wozniak who was a friend of John Perry Barlow’s at the “hacker clubs” a long time ago. Sun also asked Q+ to schedule a meeting on July 25, the day of a now famous call.


Anyways, I believe the blockchain for bitcoin is serving as a backchannel to deliver intel, and is the “gold” that will end the FED, hence Judy Shelton’s CATO journal on implementing a digital monetary system.


The genesis block address continues to make transactions to dead end recycled addresses, and I believe it’s encoding messages like the Mandela image (Q+ tweet)


The first hash from the genesis block on Jan 3,2009 converts in Jewish gematria to an equal value of “Obama” as top match, 17(Q) days before he was inaugurated. Sorry this is a mess, if interested I’ll try to organize more.

Anonymous ID: 0dcc6b Jan. 24, 2020, 10:34 p.m. No.7907496   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He also mentioned The Godfather in the one on one interview with some guy tonight on fox. Looked like he was on a stage not sure


Trying to finish this post now