Anonymous ID: 5d7433 Jan. 24, 2020, 10:43 p.m. No.7907553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7564 >>7603 >>7620 >>7643 >>7719

Updated Mega-BUN of Watkins DIGGS thru Bread #1020 Jan 24 2020

See Also Watkins Thread >>7771829


Jan 10-11, 2019:

On Thurs Jan 10, Network Solutions notified Jim W that they're deplatforming 88 of his domains bc they don't want a bad reputation. The next night on RevRadio, Jim talks about the situation. >>7780747, >>7780781 [see thread for moar]

He thinks the attack on him is prolly to take down 8kun. Anons begin digging on Network Solutions, which leads to its owners and elsewhere.


Network Solutions

>>7781116, >>7781120 Network Solutions overview (wikipedia)

>>7780946 Network Solutions was the first domain registrar

>>7780872, >>7780978 Networking Solutions early digs

>>7780976 Network Solutions around since DARPA; is it c_a?

>>7783107 Network Solutions & ICANN Lawsuit (Q posted about on Feb 22 2019) see ICANN DIG below

>>7789704 Letter to Jim W from Network Solutions/

>>7790065 Did Verisign used to own Network Solutions?

>>7794251 Is Network Solutions Buying Up US Domain Registrars? ANONS DIGG

>>7795903, >>7795905 Check out "independents" vs InterNet List [not posted on QR?]

>>7806677, >>7806687, >>7806693 Network Solutions is linked to over 60% of all seemingly separate US domain registrars


>>7781039 Siris Capital owns which in turn owns Network Solutions

>>7780977 group CEO = Sharon Rowlands

>>7781046 Go back, way back to Website Pros Inc,

>>7781104 Atlantic Teleservices, Inc became Website Pros Inc (David Brown, Darin Brannan)

>>7781139 Darin Brannan, David Brown

>>7781159 In 2009, partnered with to offer payment processing services

In 2014, partnerwith with mastercard to create a preferred payment provider service

>>7788133, >>7788385, >>7788416, >>7788553 Okumus Fund Management owns the largest block of stock in

>>7781112 acquisitions & partnerships (wikipedia)

>>7787953 Data Breach Aug 2019: WEB.COM, REGISTER.COM & NETWORKS SOLUTIONS discloses major data breach - see anon's analysis below >>7787959

>>7789702 is partnered with Chase, First Data, Mastercard, Sam's Club/Walmart

>>7789704 Letter to Jim W from Network Solutions/

>>7905994 Jim Watkins had 14 of his 88 domains seized by today; is taking legal action NEW



>>7784367 Siris Capital officers

>>7781007, >>7781039, >>7781081Siris Capital principals--Jeffrey Hendren, Frank Baker, Peter Berger--tied to banking

(1st two Goldman-Sachs, 3rd to Bears Sterns; with "lots of" other associates) see below >>7781278

>>7781157 Bear Sterns collapses in 2008, sold to J P Morgan

>>7781134, >>7781146 Siris Capital & 3 LLC offspring = investment advisors for SEC

>>7781154, >>7781155 Siris is like an octopus - 3 pages, Cayman Islands?

>>7781201 Siris Code of Ethics

>>7781208 One of Siris' purchases = Travelport (jointly with Evergreen Coast Capital Corp.) see >>7785111

>>7781278 Robert Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein connections with Goldman Sachs & Bear Stearns....

>>7781352 …. George Soros buys new stakes in Goldman Sachs & BofA

>>7781364 Jeffrey Sachs, Paul Krugman, George Soros & bailout of Bear-Sterns (2012)

>>7781385 Why Bear-Sterns bailout was a pump-and-dump

>>7785111 Found the connect between Juniper Networks owner & Network Solutions owner

Issac Kim from Evergreen later moved to Elliott Capital, which owns Juniper

>>7787971 Anon on Juniper: Juniper is only the beginning. This has been going on for a very long time. They are typically sold as "maintenance", "update" "administrative" ports. Or not documented at all. If you really want to scare yourself on how corrupt "data security" products are, look into checkpoint firewall. (reports of back doors all the way back to the 90's. Never fully confirmed. Always covered up with plausible deniability.). Rabbit hole goes deep and wide. founders, governments, and origins, are very interesting. Other security products they developed are some of the best surveillance and monitoring tools ever built.

>>7790134 Siris has $6.1 US Assets Under Mgmt


The Corporations Trust Co

>>7785661 Siris LLC & The Corporations Trust Co. is the Agent

>>7785879, >>7785889 The Corporation Trust Co.

"CT Corp is the leading provider of legal compliance services for Fortune 500 corporations" (etc; from >>7786082)

>>7786082 CT Corp ties to

[''What exactly is the relationship between CT Corp and the other two?'']



Anonymous ID: 5d7433 Jan. 24, 2020, 10:44 p.m. No.7907559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7564 >>7620 >>7643 >>7719

Updated Mega-BUN of Watkins DIGGS

con't. descriptions shortened and streamlined somewhat to keep to two pages


Mastercard, Visa, Paypal

>>7789579, >>7789704, >>7789754 Is Mastercard the big umbrella corp?

>>7789864 Video: Network of Global Control

>>7789617, >>7789651, >>7789669 2017: "Billionaire investor George Soros will partner with Mastercard Inc

>>7789579, >>7789653 How Mastercard deplatforms sites they don't like (conservatives)

>>7789616, >>7789686, >>7789686 Dan Schulman, President and CEO, PayPal

>>7789702, >>7789732, >>7789651 Credit Processing & Banks

>>7789903 MASTERCARD Foundation sold almost all position >10% ownership in Mast.C CL A shares

>>7790458, >>7790465 Mastercard Foundation owns Mastercard

>>7791101 Mastercard Foundation continued digs

>>7790321, >>7790458, >>7790881 UMBRELLA & The MasterCard Foundation DiGG

>>7790321 Umbrella (Rothschilds Qs 135-138)


Follow-up from Jim Watkins

>>7798115, >>7798118, >>7798207 Jim Watkin's Cryptic Message

>>7803436, >>7803450, >>7803456, >>7803460, >>7803463 Watkins say "yes, it's wet" vid


Posts analyzing/synthesizing Watkins diggs so far


>>7783107 Q drop Feb 22 2019: ICAAN and network solutions were sued in a class action in 2008

Could also tie into the Watkins network solutions dig.

On Feb 22 2019 Q also posted about ICANN and Hussein transferring the internet to CA

Who Controls CA?

Follow-up DIGGS so far: >>7801652, >>7801838, >>7802113, >>7802219, >>7802562


>>7786732 Network Solutions, Web.Com, The Company Trust, Wolters Kluwer

CEO Nancy McKinstry formerly worked at Booz Allen Hamilton


>>7787941 What else does Siris Capital/ tie into?

So what do we have here? Credit card transactions/processing partnership. Credit cards, specifically credit card debt, is another way of expanding the money supply without the central banks....


>>7787959 Just Coincidences? (8chan deplatform & data breaches at, & network solutions)

Anon juxtaposes events and wonders whether they are related (including Walmart shooting--which caused 8chan to be burned). is partnered with Walmart subsidiary Sam's.


>>7788914 Anon Theory - Visa, Paypal & China

Jim said Someone needs to look into who owns that big credit card company, because that's where things get really deep. What credit card company is in working with China and is doing the Secret Social Scoring? Paypal, Visa, or both? And who owns it?


>>7789625 Social credit scoring, payment systems, Ebay, Vanguard

Social Credit Scoring: WEB.COM was controlled by Okumus who also have big investment in LifeLock

Then Okumus sold WEB.COM shares to Siris Capital Group....


>>7789754 Re deplatforming letter sent by to Jim Watkins >>7789704

Bad elements in the FBI may be involved in trying to entrap Jim Watkins. The grace period/hosting may have been a mistake on the corporate end of things. In other words - rogue elements in the FBI may be trying to weaponize "requests" against Jim...[goal is] EXPOSING this "Umbrella Corp" for all their evil. It's the least we can do. The Watkins take a LOT of flack to protect free speech, and us....


>>7818409, >>7818473, >>7818494 Anons remark on Jim W's "It's wet" from Baker Beach NEW


>>7827991 >8chan, the Hate Site That’s Hard to Kill NEW [from Nov but alludes to efforts to take down 8kun]