Anonymous ID: a57400 Jan. 24, 2020, 11:26 p.m. No.7907749   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"State Secrets"


Impeachment will climax with Hunter testifying and pleading the fifth.

Tonight, Gowdy said Obama is a relevant witness.

Democrats want to nullify Executive Privilege.

They will use Executive Privilege to prevent Hunter Biden to testify, or will they?

Ciaramella's name kept out of the Media?

Executive Privilege.



In order to guard Obama?

Or State Secrets?


Hussein is the Community Organizer PersonA that creates fatherless families, drug addicted compromised Industrialists and social strife that's piled upon in order to rationalize mass population violence.


Deep State is being forced to expose themselves by initiating an impeachment theater.

The last time the People impeached Clinton, they did 9/11. It's a well oiled and ugly machine that requires Minds with Common Sense to face.