Anonymous ID: c1eb52 Jan. 24, 2020, 10:21 p.m. No.7907402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7420 >>7711

Hwood film Under The Silver Lake, a public cabal admission, and celebration of Queen Witch Hillary ascending to POTUS?


Q has suggested that those unseen controllers, those above the global criminal cabal/elites, are cult members. An old cult. Which cult? What beliefs? It has been suggested that their roots date back to the Babylonian kingdom era, and to Egypt. With the (one blackened/covered) eye of Horus being so frequently displayed by prominent elites and celebrities, that is a strong indication of their involvement with old Egyptian beliefs. Hard to believe, what to speak of convincing others nowhere near ready to believe such things, right? Given what we know about modern day cults, with all their insane beliefs and practices, is it really that difficult to believe an elitist cult based on ancient Egyptian beliefs exists?


How about them admitting it, tauntingly, in a Hollywood movie? I say taunting, because it would have to be a film which disguises the truth as myth, or farce. Has there been such a film? Yes. It's called Under The Silver Lake, a film released in 2019, written and directed by a Harvey Weinstein protege. Of course, the official description of the film doesn't say anything close to the above. It is simply described as a "Los Angeles based neo-noir black comedy conspiracy thriller about the search for a missing young woman."


How I found it is by a random purchase of the DVD at a yard sale, drawn only to the description on the cover. I was knocked silly when I began to realize what I was actually watching that first viewing, that there was much more going on with this film. Knowing what we now know about how this cabal/cult thinks and operates, my own take is this film was produced as a nod (love letter) to those actually running Hollywood, and a celebration of the crowning of their Queen Witch Hillary, while also having a good laugh in our faces.


Under The Silver Lake was first mentioned as a future film production in a May 2016 Hollywood trade publication, with principal photography to begin on October 31, 2016 (Halloween! Hello!), a week before the 2016 election. It was scheduled for a June 2018 world wide theatrical release, following a May 2018 Cannes Film Festival premier showing. However, the worldwide release didn't happen. It was delayed twice, before it's final release in 2019 with only a limited theatrical viewing in NY and LA, and then straight to video on demand services.


What happened? Why the delay and limited theatrical viewing after such grand plans? Because Trump 2016, and all that followed. Weinstein/#MeToo in 2017 ended up becoming a big factor in the reviews by the Cannes critics in 2018, who complained about the degrading, abusive portrayal of women throughout the film. Had Hillary won, the Weinstein exposure would not have happened, and all would have continued as scheduled.


You ask: If production began in 2016 a week before Donald Trump became POTUS, and if it was meant to be a celebration of all things Queen Witch Hillary, why then continue with the costly production? Because of their insurance plan to impeach Trump one way or the other. Full speed ahead. Trump was but a bump in the road. Also because they're arrogant and stupid.


What else happened before May 2018? Q appeared in November of 2017, the beginning of The Great Awakening, by exposing the vile compromised criminals in public office, and those pulling strings behind the scenes everywhere, including Hollywood. Bit by bit, dig by dig, meme by meme, their plans were being exposed and shredded. So many unfavorable to (((them))) events happened by May of 2018, that the delayed limited release was the end result. It is even likely the negative critical reviews at Cannes were planned, ensuring as few eyes as possible would end up watching it. "We have to keep this film from being called out on Q Research for what it is." - a likely conversation.


Also helping to keep pesky Red State conservatives from seeing this film, the story and dialog are seriously offensive to all but the deluded, degraded, brainwashed, NPC drone left. With all it's twisted imagery, messaging, coding and symbology throughout, the film was meant as programming, and a nod to elitists in the know. Imagine my surprise when I realized the overall subject matter, especially after seeing The Standard hotel being used in a scene, with nearly every scene following that a connection to a Q dig! Early on in the film is when we hear the dialog spoken in the first image. I nearly spat out my food!

Anonymous ID: c1eb52 Jan. 24, 2020, 10:23 p.m. No.7907420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7428


Well written analysis of the Under The Silver Lake, without taking the underlying "truth" seriously -


Reddit decode group mentioned in the above link -


2018 Cannes interview with the director, during which he talks about the writing process as being collaborative (with un-named mysterious producers), but that he came up with the overall idea in 2011 -


Turning Teeth (Eternity) lyrics -