Anonymous ID: 1ec5fc Jan. 25, 2020, 12:26 a.m. No.7907966   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8139 >>8232 >>8404 >>8484 >>8544


Tanks Bakes>>7907776

>Is is possible that President Xi is cleaning up China and purging the communist corruption there just like what happened in SA?

Since the 80's China's CCP has rapidly changed into a much more traditionally Chinese monarchical bureaucratic state. Sort of a Technocratic-"Mingism".

Xi has spent much effort and personal capital to consolidate the upper echelons into a Royal Court. He needs those lower levels of technocrat-aparatchiks to align to the chain of command. As he is NOT having internal control problems with these cities, it makes no sense to rock the boat at that lower level. He's far more concerned with Hong Kong atm.

It wouldn't shock me, given Hong Kong, that the quarentines are a test to see how effective population/city lockdowns are. This is going on during Chinese New Year, a very important holiday for the Chinese, when recreational travel peaks.

A test to see how effective the Social Scoring/Social Media Propaganda/Regional Police (the new Chinese Technological/Psyop technocratic control system) are, vs. the old system of heavy handed military presence (tanks squashing protestors).

This would not surprise ,me.

Anonymous ID: 1ec5fc Jan. 25, 2020, 12:42 a.m. No.7908031   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8198


>some anons thougt it could be ECW on the pic, clown attacked that immeadiately

No clown attacked it. Baker's not a clown.

But the fact that you keep repeating the same sauceless bullshit over and over, sure makes you glow.

If you don't like how the bakes are done, then offer to bake yourself.

If you're face blind, you know it. A polite anon with face blindness wouldn't fling sauceless accusations at fellow anons.

The only reason you have for being such an annoying little nigger about this is:

>seems to be important, as it might be from the same day as the Q drop pic

Pretty weak shit to call anons/baker Clowns.

Trying to portray an anon responding "quickly" as an attack is ludicrous.

Only a glownigger would engage in so many propaganda tactics.


Anonymous ID: 1ec5fc Jan. 25, 2020, 12:54 a.m. No.7908079   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Not by a tech person form the Whitehouse, to be clear.


>They got a whole article out of this comment.

Yeah, the claim MBS hacked Bezos is such bullshit, given the fact that the famewhore he's fucking has a famefagging brother, who got Bezos password.

MSM hypes the bullshit, then a UN glownigger expands MBS ultimate hax0r bullshit to "warn" Kushner. Likely means some Deep State foreign glowniigger got something off Kushner's phone already. Releasing it will help push the "Threat to National Security" narrative against POTUS.

Anonymous ID: 1ec5fc Jan. 25, 2020, 1:11 a.m. No.7908147   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


What a fucking stupid cock gobbling nigger fagging kike you are.

I cannot believe anyone could spend this much time spewing such idiotic bullshit about a stupid fucking picture.

There's an awesome Guilliani video drop. Laura's show had some excellent areas to dig, yet again, and some shit going down around Kushner, and you're wasting all this time arguing about a fucking pic. A pic whose importance you cannot state.

Your idiotic obsession with ECW being in the pic, you refuse to explain. You offer no reason why this person is important, nor why Barr's Intelligence Community liason, ECW would be hanging out with POTUS and Scavino.

It's all just a bunch of divisive, time wasting bullshit.

You're nothing but a raging fucking well gaped asshole. You add nothing. You waste people's good natured assistance and time. You claim that "other anons thought so too" as if you're a selfless advocate. And yet NOT ONE OTHER ANON HAS SUPPORTED your rude, fucked up attack on anons/baker over this stupid pic.

Pack your shit and GTFO you skeazy time suck of a glownigger.

Anonymous ID: 1ec5fc Jan. 25, 2020, 1:36 a.m. No.7908208   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


> Remember when Corona was popular and the rumor was the Mexican brewery workers were peeing in it to stick it to the Americans?

Yes. Rumor had legs given the liquid's color and taste.

"Beer", yeah right.

Anonymous ID: 1ec5fc Jan. 25, 2020, 2:12 a.m. No.7908283   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8286 >>8295 >>8404 >>8484 >>8544


>Call me schizo and all but the virus seems 100% programmed ,engineered in a lab. Think about it,it can mask its symptoms now

The reports of such harsh quarentines, if they are truly made to contain the virus spreading, backs that up.

Imagine locking down the entire state of CA during Christmas, because that's what China has done.

If these lockedowns are a logical result regarding what the Chinese gov't knows, then this is no natural species hoping flu virus. This is some serious shit.

Maybe what they were cooking in the Wuhan bio weapons lab wasn't complete, a prototype that hadn't been tested yet, and they're just being overly cautious.

Either way, fucking around with intricate living organisms that have reproduction rates of viri, and can adapt and change their genetic make up in a few hours, is fucking stupid.

Some scientist says changing X in the genome should cause Y at t0 can't say shit at t100.

Fucking hubris.

But to do this knowing that Y is an increase in the human fatality rates, is madness. Hard to understand why people intelligent enough to do this, would actually do it.

Anonymous ID: 1ec5fc Jan. 25, 2020, 2:43 a.m. No.7908345   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8388


>That article means "secret attack-submarine" not "secret-attack submarine".


>And we established at the time that it had to be a Trident missile. It looked like a Trident; and a Tomahawk wouldn't have the range.


Yeah, but the article mentions the Jimmy Carter iss 10 feet longer than her sisters due to the addition of a "multi mission platform" for drones and "to carry out classified research on new warfighting technologies."

I suspect a 100 ft reconfigurable weapons pod could hold a trident or two.

I know it's pure speculation.

BTW where was the approximate launch location?

Anonymous ID: 1ec5fc Jan. 25, 2020, 3:17 a.m. No.7908416   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>By making the Belt and Road Initiative endeavorโ€”a multitrillion-dollar program to expand Chinese trade and infrastructure around the worldโ€”the centerpiece of his foreign and economic policy, Xi has made it possible for a local disease to become a global menace.

This statement is so mindlessly stupid, it has to be purposeful propaganda.

Just a quick overview of Corona Virus infections across the world, disproves this glib assertion. The international infections are dispersed across the globe which proves air travel by infected Chinese (for business or pleasure) is the driver. The land sea routes across Eurasia appear irrelevant.



and anon nicely proves the point of the CFR author of the above gibberish.

>writer of that is 'Laurie Garrett is a former senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations and a Pulitzer Prize winning science writer'


>figure that xi will be the next media boogeyman

Not just Xi, but the construction of the transportation infrastructure. CFR and other western deep state "policy" groups are growing increasingly concerned with China's generous and large scale build outs especially in subSaharan Africa.

It's ironic that the MUH Colonialism of European and US kike intuhmuhlectuals caused the abandonment of, and subsequent collapse of the few economically viable nations in SubSaharan Africa. I've never understood who benefited from such stupidity, but whatever the goals of the Western Cabal, it certainly did not include having China gain so massively from it.

Anonymous ID: 1ec5fc Jan. 25, 2020, 4:04 a.m. No.7908587   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>Are we up to date on the coronavirus "leak" coming from doctors in Wuhan?


Your twat link is broken.

The half/pol cap features a memeflaggot as OP. That's always problematic. However the UN flag is a huge red flag.

OP claims to be UK DDC, however the author's writing style suggests strongly an American/Canadian English speaker.

  1. Viruses-A UK health official would use Viri

  2. Use of "but that's because" is distinctly North American.

3.The statement: "Wuhan IS quarantined but that's because China selectively releases information and we are being told about other outbreaks in China-downplaying" doesn't make any sense. It's confusing word salad that broken down states:

a) China selectively releases information.

b)The selective release of info is the reason that Wuhan has been quarantined.

c) The selective release of info is why we don't know more.

Another gibberish sentence:

"It produces rapid death while hiding behind a usually harmless flu-type infection. This was a weapon that was designed to stealthily infiltrate a population as much as it can before finally unleashing its cargo." Sooo, in Queens English

"Whilst the initial symptoms are, by design, similar to other common flues. The incubation period during which the infected person is contagious runs approximately 7 days, thus providing an opportunity to infect others, after which, the fatal payload is activated, with death following in a matter of hours."

It's just a fun little half/pol LARP