Anonymous ID: 772103 Jan. 25, 2020, 4:09 a.m. No.7908604   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8625

I was told my twitter link was broken last thread regarding the Wuhan doctor "leak" regarding the actual infection numbers.

is a link that I have confirmed to be still working.


If that link goes down, I have attached pictures of the translated statements from the videos in question that are being pulled.



Anonymous ID: 772103 Jan. 25, 2020, 4:17 a.m. No.7908622   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8679


A gentlepepe last thread debunked this pretty thoroughly just through his grasp on languages and cultures. Apparently, given the position the OP in the picture is supposedly filling, his word usages would be vastly different. The anon came to the conclusion he was probably American. Ie; Larp.

(But that's just for that specific thread. The virus as a whole on the other hand?)

Anonymous ID: 772103 Jan. 25, 2020, 4:42 a.m. No.7908689   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8789

1:38 AM ยท Jan 25, 2020


"No temperature check. As a growing part of China is in #coronavirus lockdown Thai authorities are not yet routinely scanning passengers from there. With five cases, Thailand has already had more than anywhere except China."


This was recorded by


Video News at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok

Anonymous ID: 772103 Jan. 25, 2020, 4:48 a.m. No.7908711   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8789

Another doctor "leak" on twitter

audio of crying nurse w/ translation


2:00 AM ยท Jan 25, 2020


"Got deleted! Just repost this! #coronavirus #coronoavirus"


Some comments

"100,000 cases!?"

"Translation is correct"

Anonymous ID: 772103 Jan. 25, 2020, 5:52 a.m. No.7909008   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9026 >>9107


You've already stated that several times. Information is information. How about not treating everybody here like a sheep. They can differentiate the truth for themselves. You've slid the bread as much as all of us "Coronafags" combined you god damned nigger.

Anonymous ID: 772103 Jan. 25, 2020, 5:56 a.m. No.7909027   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9039 >>9047 >>9055 >>9070

Funny how all the coronafags have done is post information and try and spur discussion on the matter. All of a sudden the brigade shows up and dickslaps all the sheep back into line, all the while spamming "I filtered hurdur" so that sheepanon follow suit. Disgusting. This forum is for world news discussion and tying it all in together. Spamming the board and sperging out, enforcing your point of view on everyone isn't a way to get your point across. You're acting like a child.

Anonymous ID: 772103 Jan. 25, 2020, 6:13 a.m. No.7909113   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9128 >>9129 >>9220 >>9250

Posting again for more attention, as filterfags slid.


Link to OP >>7909035



"I'm an epidemiologist working for Brazil's Ministry of Health.


I will disclose everything I know so far.


These are facts confirmed to my team by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as we are communicating with China.


1 - The disease is airborne, and spreads asymptomatically for 3 to 5 days before showing the first signals that something is wrong with your body.

2 - It's very strange, since it isn't any strand of the coronavirus we know, this is just like someone had taken different parts and characteristics of other viruses and stitched them together. It's actually surreal and we've never seen something like this before

3- Numbers are being held down, but not by much like you guys are saying (if it was 90.000 all airports would be closed and any travel would be impossible even by sea)

4- No effective treatment has been shared with the world yet, but the US says they have a way to deal with it if this gets too ugly, they just don't want to disclose it right now, they'll only do it if absolutely necessary, we don't know why yet.

5- The timeline of the infection is something like this:

Zero-day infection

14 day incubation period

3-5 days asymptomatic transmission

7+days to be hospitalized

estimated time-to-death isn't accurate yet, but from what i've seen I can say it begins to turn very ugly after 3 to 6 days after you've been in the hospital.

Lungs filled with blood, your digestive system stops working, tons of secretion (very contagious).

God help us if this doesn't get under control.

Get prepared right now"