Anonymous ID: fda8af Jan. 25, 2020, 4:42 a.m. No.7908693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8713

>>7908584 (pb)

>This set my radar off fully Thursday morning early hours, I flew back to the UK from Germany later that day and immediately set about preparing to quaratine my family.

>I may not need to, but as I said, I can now work remotely for the next two weeks and we have dried and powdered food we can draw down on for no cost (actually less than I would normally spend) if it turns out to be contained.

>It does not hurt to be sensibly prepared.

>This feels like how an ELE would start.

>It feels VERY different to SARS or anything else and I'm in my mid 40s


As I said earlier in pb, I caught very early Swine flu from a coworker returning from China in ‘09 and it fucked me up something fierce but almost killed my then gf now wife. This is what I think you must understand:


This kind of thing causes you to kill yourself. Your body temp skyrockets in a few hours. Mine went from normal to 103 in a very short period of time. At that temp you can’t keep anything down, you puke everything up and often puke while shitting your brains out. This is the start of the death spiral. You will come to believe you cannot keep anything down, so why try. You will dehydrate yourself. You will starve yourself. Things become incredibly painful, you are sore as fuck. It hurts to move. You can’t think clearly.


This is the severe flu Jew. Do not listen to any of it. Everyone should have a digital thermometer. Do not make decisions over 101. The only priority is to get to 101. Lukewarm shower, cold water towels, only a thin sheet for blanket, sleep nude, just get your shit trending negative degrees.


At 101 you have a 50/50 shot at holding down anti-fever meds like Advil. If you puke it up, try again. Eventually one will hold, and get the fuck hydrated and eat fat and calorie-dense foods while you can. I remember the In ‘n Out double double I held down and honestly that shit could have saved my life. Once you have a toehold, don’t let it go, I set my alarm every 30 min and drank 1/4 liter of mineral water, took my temp, and monitored things. Every 2hr I took a 200mg Advil to keep me at 101. About 4 days of this and I made it.


Do not let the virus make you dehydrate yourself. Do not let it starve you. If you puke, try again. Use external methods like lukewarm showers, sleeping mostly naked, and cold towels for your head. Hold down fever reducers or die trying. The first moment you can, eat something fatty, rich, and calorie dense. Monitor your body temp every hour. Make no decisions about anything over 101, with the exception to drop body temp— you’re not cold, it’s a (((virus))) trying to make you feel that way— so take extreme measures to get back to 101. If you hit 104.5 call 911 and understand the true torture is just beginning.

Anonymous ID: fda8af Jan. 25, 2020, 4:53 a.m. No.7908729   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You're being dramatic.

Fuck you, asshole.

> CDC estimated that 151,700-575,400 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated.** Globally, 80 percent of (H1N1)pdm09 virus-related deaths were estimated to have occurred in people younger than 65 years of age.


Good for you that chicken soup did it for you, but it was a completely fucking different ballgame for me and my wife. It was viscerally life threatening.