Riyadh footage of missle impact
https:// mobile.twitter.com/L0gg0l/status/978011766591500288
Riyadh footage of missle impact
https:// mobile.twitter.com/L0gg0l/status/978011766591500288
More footage of interception.
https:// mobile.twitter.com/L0gg0l/status/978013021447565312
Looks like a scud….
https:// mobile.twitter.com/StratSentinel/status/978020554686033921
Just read the podesta emails. One of the execs at apple basically assures that they can have any data they want even encrypted is not a problem.
Problem is we live in a day and age of data, there is no privacy. All you have to do is read Vault 7 leaks, that is like only 10% of what data collection is happening. Corporations gobble up more.