Is the new tripcode whitelisted?
It doesn’t matter, anon.
The truth is the truth.
Unfortunately for (((them))) they are just finding out that there are too many people in this world who know the truth when they hear it. They tried to kill everybody who knew the truth
They didn’t take into account the fact that every person who they killed told other people. And they told people. And they told people
They take one of us out, 2 more believers are born. They really are retarded.
Hahahaha doesn’t MATTER!!!
Everything is ALREADY SET IN STONE! the script has been written and the ink is DRY!
We just watch. And keep commenting on POTUS twitter comments about IBOR because THATS the most effective way!
Remember the MEMO? Q told us to comment on POTUS tweets nonstop!!! And we did! And he listened !
POTUS twitter comments to drown out the hatebots and libtards and retards and all things that go REEE in the night
I love how we are all talking about Stormy Daniels fakenews story like a bunch of retards.
It’s FAKE news just like Roy Moore is a pedofile.
Where was stormy during the elections?
I swear to God she’s working for POTUS. A snack for the MSM to chew on..
He is the greatest troll in the world
This pornstar story says the Trump slept with her while melania was pregnant and after she gave birth..
Those who jump the gun about certain things lack wisdom.
Those who DEMAND justice be served NOW lack wisdom.
We can go in and arrest the people we know, sure. But just know everybody has a boss. There’s a network of people who we do not know. And there’s a FUCK TON of them. All over the world. We take out of the little guys (nothing to lose) and work our way up. I’m not at all disappointed with what we have gotten to witness so far
I’d ever go so far as to say it’s a fucking MIRACLE
Never in my LIFE would I think my Love of country be restored. A yearning for a CLEAN government. My faith in GOD restored. My faith in our Militray restored. RESIgnations, alliances, a strong president, a proud President,
I was preparing for Obama to declare martial law and come for the weapons. We were considered “domestic terrorists” under obama for speaking the truth.
Good people died.
I KNEW America was gone
I knew votes were rigged
What I didn’t know was that there was people, GOOD PEOPLE, in our government ready to TAKE AMERICA BACK
If you had told me 3 years ago I would of said you’re fucking crazy
But here we are. Witnessing miracles every day.
Express thanks every once in a while. These opportunities don’t come too often