Irene Caesar, 52, is a brilliant Russian philosopher and artist who has no illusions about the Cabalist Jewish and Masonic agenda
Wake Up or Perish!
Irene Caesar, a Russian philosopher and specialist in "the struggle of ideologies" doesn't have any illusions about the true Cabalist Jewish character of this war. Enslavement and genocide is in the Talmudic Jewish DNA, she says. "We are the Chosen People. The goyim are animals who must serve us."
World events can be understood in terms of the longterm Talmudic Jewish plan to enslave the human race. Talmudic Jews and their Masonic Gentile allies (Satanists) have taken control of the West and are waging a war against the White race and Christianity which they regard as their main competition. Their goal is white genocide. First cultural genocide, then physical. Whites, who represent only 8% of the world population are an endangered species.
Satanist Jews are a liability to all other Jews. Judaism is a satanic secret society like Freemasonry, which is based on Judaism. This means only the "initiated" know the real diabolical agenda. The "uninitiated" are expendable unless they can be manipulated and used.