Anonymous ID: d78b4d Jan. 25, 2020, 9:26 a.m. No.7911065   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Irene Caesar, 52, is a brilliant Russian philosopher and artist who has no illusions about the Cabalist Jewish and Masonic agenda

Wake Up or Perish!


Irene Caesar, a Russian philosopher and specialist in "the struggle of ideologies" doesn't have any illusions about the true Cabalist Jewish character of this war. Enslavement and genocide is in the Talmudic Jewish DNA, she says. "We are the Chosen People. The goyim are animals who must serve us."


World events can be understood in terms of the longterm Talmudic Jewish plan to enslave the human race. Talmudic Jews and their Masonic Gentile allies (Satanists) have taken control of the West and are waging a war against the White race and Christianity which they regard as their main competition. Their goal is white genocide. First cultural genocide, then physical. Whites, who represent only 8% of the world population are an endangered species.


Satanist Jews are a liability to all other Jews. Judaism is a satanic secret society like Freemasonry, which is based on Judaism. This means only the "initiated" know the real diabolical agenda. The "uninitiated" are expendable unless they can be manipulated and used.

Anonymous ID: d78b4d Jan. 25, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.7911549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1611




And we know that the Cabal use train imagery in their symbolic coded comms. For instance, they warned their minions that Trump would be UNSTOPPABLE unless everyone pulled their finger out of their rear and did their best work ever. And they did this in 2010.


Unstoppable (2010)

Is about a runaway train. The locomotive number is 777 because that is the number of The Donald. They knew then that Trump would be the locomotive force pulling the Trump Train into…

The fictional destination is a town named Stanton, PA.

However there is a neighborhood in Philly named Stanton

And there are multiple train tracks running through there and then around a tight curve

And if an explosive train came barreling into there

And derailed at that curve

It would explode in a neighborhood called Parkland


Now don't talk to me about school shootings or school bus fires.

I'm thinking of this…


Parkland Hospital: site of the creepiest detail of the JFK assassination


and by the way, you should read that article because the British press has not been controlled as tightly as MSM in the USA, so often they are the first to reveal new news items. Might mean that MI6 began to clean itself up sooner than we realized.

Anonymous ID: d78b4d Jan. 25, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.7911667   🗄️.is 🔗kun



How do you defeat the Emperor of China?

Create a disease scare in a city where they are the most dangerous.

Send out vaccination teams

And make sure that the Emperor's minions get the shots

That are full of live MRSA bacteria.


They all die without retaliating

And you can clean up and shut down their hidden labs

And factories and brothels

Without anyone noticing

Not even the Emperor high on his throne in Hong Kong.


P.S. Did you think China was a Communist country? Silly bear, don't you know how to dig?


CK Hutchison Holdings: A Sleeping Giant


After all who created Huawei? Who is buying up ports worldwide?