Anonymous ID: 88c28e Jan. 25, 2020, 2:03 p.m. No.7913485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3664

AOC speking at an Iowa rally


Excerpt where she speaks of going years without seeing a doctor and high cost of healthcare. Her wiki bio puts her restaurant career after college, 2011. Guess she never heard of obamacare >>its the law. [and not free healthcare nor free insurance]


"Moore then introduced Ocasio-Cortez, who rocketed to political stardom when she won her New York congressional district in a shocking upset in the 2018 midterms. The congresswoman, who is nicknamed “AOC,” had already made one trip to Iowa to campaign for Sanders last November. Some supporters are already envisioning her as a potential candidate as soon as 2024, when she will become eligible for the presidency less than a month before the general election.


Ocasio-Cortez shared a personal story about how she went a “few years” without going to the doctor because she didn’t have health insurance when she worked in restaurants prior to her election. The congresswoman talked about the fear and anxiety she experienced during this period and suggested it informed her conviction the U.S. needs the complete the Medicare for All universal health care program with “no cracks in the system” that Sanders has championed. She noted some moderate Democrats regard Sanders’s proposals for health care, a “Green New Deal” to address climate change, and criminal justice reform as unrealistic. But she believes the real issue for Sanders’s opponents is whether a candidate with that platform can win.


“They call it unrealistic. You know what I think is so funny? I go back to D.C. … Those folks who argue against those same policies, behind closed doors, they never tell me it’s unrealistic,” Ocasio-Cortez said.


“They don’t use that same argument in the Capitol,” she continued. “The argument that they use is, ‘We will lose.’ … It’s not that we can’t, it’s that we’re scared.”


Ocasio-Cortez went on to say she has spent “so many years of my life scared” about a litany of concerns including making rent, health care costs and her family in Puerto Rico. "