Anonymous ID: d7b5dd Jan. 25, 2020, 2:25 p.m. No.7913672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3758

Have been noticing postings on the KUN that are a veiled nod to the Hare Krishna cult.


Let's be clear, they are as much a part of the problem (criminal corruption, abuse of spirit, deception) we face as the DS, global cabal, Hollywood…


Enjoy these links, full of what they don't want you to know and hear before you become a member under the controlling influence of their false philosophy. Interestingly, the first link was created by members of the Krishna cult itself. Their entire belief system is held together by the belief that you must take initiation from a living guru who is liberated from all the "material" traps of this world. The chain of disciplic succession they call it, which they claim is an unbroken chain going back through time to their god Krishna himself. They and they alone represent this unbroken chain and message which is your ticket to spiritual freedom/paradise.


The only problem is that those men, chosen by their all knowing, never-to-be-questioned founder (who brought it to the west from India) to succeed him as living gurus after the founder guru died in the late 70's (big controversy there too, as many Krishna "reformers" believe he was poisoned), all have been exposed as frauds.


The "reformers" throughout the Krishna cult believe that they can return the movement back to it's founding purity by exposing the frauds. Their exposing effort certainly does more than that. It exposes the truth that their belief system, with all it's bizarre practices, is nothing but a lie. An artificial construct imposed on the mind by yet more fraudsters. Just one of countless fraud cult groups, all saying the same thing, all exposed in one form or another.


Modern technology, with it's ability to share information fraudsters have been able to suppress for centuries before it's creation, is a bitch. Right, Krishna cult apologists?

Anonymous ID: d7b5dd Jan. 25, 2020, 2:36 p.m. No.7913758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3786


Imagine taking "initiation" from one of these clowns, a ceremony which means you must consider their word as if coming from God. All of them exposed as control freaks and worse. Yes, sex abuse, child abuse, homosexuality and pedophilia are involved.


Most of them were nothing but drug addled hippies and leftists before becoming involved in the 60's and 70's.

Anonymous ID: d7b5dd Jan. 25, 2020, 2:39 p.m. No.7913786   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Are you a woman? Did you know that according to the Hare Krishna beliefs, you are considered little more than a vessel for having children. An elephant is higher on the spiritual evolutionary scale than a woman.