Imagine if you will, that I have discovered away to create a rift into the 5th dimension. I call it, "The Door to Everywhere".
The Door to Everywhere is the greatest scientific leap since Buzzin and Armstronged landed on the Moon.
Now their are huge physical and financial limitations in maintaing an open portal so,
for the betterment of Mankind, laws will be passed that heavy tax increases for ALL citizens.
As I'm sure you understand, operating the Door is extremely dangerous so for now only military trained officers will operate and travel through the rift.
But don't worry. They'll bring back lots of pictures and video of the 5D, in UHD!!!
And eventually (thanks to you) we'll build a Rift Station in the 5th Dimension and live stream directly to you.
You all ok with that?
Now where did I put my Sonic Screwdriver?