Anonymous ID: 85f34d Jan. 25, 2020, 3:22 p.m. No.7914086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4135

>>7914020 (lb)

At least they seem to have a good crew (if not Hannity himself arranging it).

Still remember that day when there were comms from Fox News with this board and Hannity had that single frame blended in showing a meme with a Jolly Roger and the Dems saying "Walk The Plank".


Other than that, general audience are normies. same if not worse with Laura Ingraham.

Anonymous ID: 85f34d Jan. 25, 2020, 3:44 p.m. No.7914260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4292


I don't know Hannity, so I wanna be careful.

But yes, I'd agree he is a famefag. But he is not so full of himself that he wouldn't respect others who are worth it (like e.g. Levin), which means something, I believe.


On the other hand, who wants to sit in front of a camera, full-front, 5 times a week? In most cases, you have to be a natural famefag for even going there, I'd think ….

Can't see long term in that branch, so I'd have to pass on that, but those three (Tucker, Hannity & Ingraham) were among the first major platforms to "go Q" towards the sleeping majority of the US.


Even though a TV-famefag (and long before Q already), I'd still go out for a beer with him and think it could be fun.