Anonymous ID: aed47c Jan. 25, 2020, 3:46 p.m. No.7914275   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Did anyone see last week's episode of Ray Donovan?

Jon Voight does a loooong scene next to a Jewish center, explaining to his grandson the Jewish day of Atonement, of asking God for forgiveness.


Next scene shows Jon Voight sitting on the stairs next to the Jewish place, and the camera pans backward to show the larger scene,


On left side, As Jon Voight looks up and says "God", you see on the right side of screen the big word on the glass front : CHABAD.


Manipulation: a well respected Patriot actor, playing an Irish Catholic, praying to God for forgiveness, and …. sightline to the right → CHABAD.


>Video shows Jon Voight at a Chabad Telethon in 2009.

Anonymous ID: aed47c Jan. 25, 2020, 4:26 p.m. No.7914589   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons are being poisoned by the relentless Israeli Army JIDF and Sayanim Shills to "Virtue Signal" in hopes that Anons would feel so constrained to even

>call a spade a spade, that some anons might be manipulated to tip toe around


calling a Jew a Jew

because "muh nazi", "muh blaming Jew".


Who cares about the False "Jewish Victim" Narrative that they have pushed on us by the ZioJEW owned and fronted MSM, Print & Online Media, and Hollywood TV shows and movies.

And the Corrupt politicians who make laws that promote Israel over our US Constitution.


Jews Dictating To We,The People non-Jews what to Think About Jews


It's only the JIDF shills paid to manipulate anons here with "anti-semitic", "anons will leave", "MSM will think Q research is nazi"…


It's the NPC sheeple who cower about being called "anti-semitic" that they twist themselves into a pretzel to say that these Jewish Cabal Criminals are not "Jewish".


Jewish Double Speak:

Truth about Jewish Crimes = "blaming Jews"


They want to trick you to deliberately IGNORE the huge stranglehold these powerful Jews have on our Government, that there is even the known term "ZOG".


Jews want you non-Jews to Virtue Signal and never say "the Jews" because you'll appear to be "blaming Jews".


Notice the Israeli Army JIDF shills always call Patriot anons "Muh Joo Shill". When THEY themselves are the Paid Jewish Shills.


Call The Jews "The Jews" and Watch Them Recoil From The Truth


Let the normie non-Criminal Jews MAKE THE CASE for themselves….[crickets]


Any Jewish "anons" here want to say anything against the Rothschilds? or against Israel Mossad?…. [crickets]


Virtue Signaling is a Jewish PsyOp

Anonymous ID: aed47c Jan. 25, 2020, 4:40 p.m. No.7914701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4715


I think the Gates foundation et al finally figured out how to make a virus spread from human to human through the air, which they couldn't do yet when they tried out SARS back in early 2003.

Anonymous ID: aed47c Jan. 25, 2020, 4:50 p.m. No.7914776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4788


What happened to all those foreign language other country Qresearch boards?


Just prior to the shutdown in August, we had like over 30 foreign qresearch boards.


I thought that was one of the reasons that 8chan was shut down, because Q was going global. now there's only a handful.