Anonymous ID: d32275 Jan. 25, 2020, 3:23 p.m. No.7914094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4129 >>4501 >>4593 >>4717 >>4773

I think I have figured out why Trump was talking about buying Greenland back in August. It seems like a very successful company whose business is booming.


Greenland in top third of Brand Finance Global 500 – the world’s most valuable brands


And Greenland Group is building the world's tallest building ever in Wuhan

So I looked into who owns it and the answer is murky. First of all the city of Shanghai owns the biggest chunk of shares, but several government officials also own significant chunks. So how does that happen? Smells like corruption. In China, there are men behind the curtain who hire people to own shares for them, and mask the identity of the true controller.


And look where Biden got his help to set up his corrupt kickbacks in China.


Biden's trip to China with son Hunter in 2013 comes under new scrutiny


What wasn't known then was that as he accompanied his father to China, Hunter Biden was forming a Chinese private equity fund that associates said at the time was planning to raise big money, including from China. Hunter Biden has acknowledged meeting with Jonathan Li, a Chinese banker and his partner in the fund during the trip, although his spokesman says it was a social visit.


The Chinese business license that brought the new fund into existence was issued by Shanghai authorities 10 days after the trip, with Hunter Biden a member of the board.


It seems that an investigation has to be Intense Deep and Persistent in order to find the invisible pink unicorn'' who wields godlike powers over Greenland Group. And what if it is the ''man in yellow'? You know who I am referring to don't you?


NO! Not Jim Watkins. He is just dropping coded crumbs.


I am referring to the Emperor of China, Li Ka-shing, in the Imperial seat of Hong Kong where umbrella magic protects him from Q's operators who want to MAKE IT RAIN on his parade. But maybe he is retiring as emperor to wear the yellow robes of a monk at the monastery that he funded with $128 million dollars.

Anonymous ID: d32275 Jan. 25, 2020, 3:34 p.m. No.7914194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4228 >>4336 >>4593 >>4623



Tomorrow would be a good day

To start rounding up the RATS

Dontcha think?


And find out what they have stashed in that bag!

Maybe there is an undiscovered star in there.

Well, if you spell STAR backwards,

Maybe that will explain what you can expect to discover.

Oh how clever you are, Q!!!

Anonymous ID: d32275 Jan. 25, 2020, 3:49 p.m. No.7914308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4317 >>4341 >>4350 >>4593



Learn Russian!

Because in Russian bats are called flying mice

And a rat is just a big mouse

So, why did they not blame the Corona viruis outbreak on rats who are the usual carriers?

Why did they choose a BAT?


Is it because of Batman and Rudy?

In other words, a nod to undercover crimefighting

Because under the cover of dealing with an epidemic

They are rounding up the rats in the Chinese DeepState?

Anonymous ID: d32275 Jan. 25, 2020, 4:05 p.m. No.7914422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4436 >>4482 >>4593



Most people don't understand China,

Because it is a big complex place

With a foreign language and culture.

Fact is, that the same international forces

That act upon the west,

Also act upon the Orient

The reason that Communist China left some rump states free

Like Hong Kong and Taiwan

Is that the real bosses of the Communist party

Lived in Hong Kong and Taiwan

They pay the Communist Party bosses

To keep the sheep in China

Happy and productive but under control



What we have been seeing in recent years

Is a Chinese revolution

Where the same military officers that launched the coup in the USA

Sorry, the Counter-Coup in the USA

Also recruited people in the PLA and the CCP

To launch their own silent revolution

Secure in knowing that the USA and Russia would not attack

If China appears weak

Because the end game is a planet of sovereign nations

All cooperating freely

And negotiating their relationships in pairs.

No more fake global accords

Imposed by the masters of heresthetics,

The art of political manipulation.


The founding treaty of the EU

Is fake

It was never agreed

And Assange is likely to release that info

Because the USA had completely compromised

The EC computer network

So we have everything

All the emails

The draft documents and comments and edits

And who did what.

The Paris Agreement is just the same

Although that one is already falling apart

Just because it is based on stupidity and insanity


The Triads, the Li clan (emperors of China, Japan and Korea)

And miscellaneous other Cabal like the Rothschilds and British royals

Have always controlled China since the Opium wars

Until a few years ago

Anonymous ID: d32275 Jan. 25, 2020, 4:08 p.m. No.7914462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4593



Trump uses the same tactic over and over again

Because he knows their playbook

And he knows who is allowed to change it

And he has blocked the comms so new orders cannot get through

Anonymous ID: d32275 Jan. 25, 2020, 4:41 p.m. No.7914705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4720



"The Israelis"???

You have not been paying attention to Q have you?

There is no "The Israelis"

Just as there is no "The Americans" or "The Russians" or "The Chinese"

Infiltrators are everywhere.

The NWO has set up a Deep State in every country.

Each country needs to clean up its own Deep State in its own way.

There will be public dramas, but they are all scripted KAYFABE.

The reality is that Trump's team has already won

And now you see the mopping up phase, which still includes setting traps for the really stupid among the Cabal faithful.