May God bless our new meme template.
Sunlight's the best disinfectant~
May God bless our new meme template.
Sunlight's the best disinfectant~
Pure unadulterated wholesomeness!
She's hugging Pepe.
She's looking up to our future with soft eyes.
Wind is beneath them, the flag is mounted correctly. It's 'uplifting'!
Pepe's blushing from good feels.
A MAGA hat woman feeling secure with Pepe [= Anon = indirectly Q]
Take note that the evil social engineers, those running MOCKINGBIRD on our population, hate these themes~
Meme up!
Your relentless need to poison first impressions and freeze what wounds form from that reveals you to be a 'rules for radicals' trained agent.
Trained to shame people into change.
Trained to put others into submission.
No, you see wholesomeness as a threat to your control.
You're disgusting~