Anonymous ID: dc1159 Jan. 25, 2020, 5:12 p.m. No.7914955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

with memes I like, when I'm energized, I down load them. With memes that are a psychological operation, and obviously charged and put up just to create an ill effect, without a real purpose except to distress, those ones I ad-block. And I don't see them. If I need to I can still get to them. But I don't have to see them in the page. But I don't filter the ID because then I wouldn't be situationally aware.


That being said there has been a meme spammed for the last few breads that many anon find tasteless and troubling. To me it's a space alien dressed like a nanny or school teacher and she's strangling or choking a young pepe. He looks distressed, but that uncomfortable 'grandma take me home' kind of distress.


and the memer insists this is a new template.


but here is how it really works: you only use the memes that you download as templates. that meme is horid. It's adblocked. I wouldn't open it or use it or view it outside the browser. I'll never use it. It's hopeless, it's a psychological operational image designed to cause distress and emotion.


It's creepy as fuck.

we don't like it.

It sucks.

can I go on?

Anonymous ID: dc1159 Jan. 25, 2020, 5:19 p.m. No.7915021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5046 >>5058 >>5264


that's what it is, dude.

project your 'you're fucked up' back at yourself.

my analysis is dead on about that image, and I didn't even mention the upside down flag like other anon have pointed out.

your image was designed with as many distress and creepy sex-preditor stuff you could phatom, and your larp is to say that anyone who sees the creepy is, themselve, as you say 'fucked up'.

I'd say that your image is designed to fuck people up. That's why you are so quick to say that when someone dares to say 'your meme . . . a - suckkksss'


so there is that too. your meme sucks.

what I objected to the most about the meme was how it was presetned as if it's the next big meme sensation, snarky cat for February . . . .


It's not gonna happen.

Anonymous ID: dc1159 Jan. 25, 2020, 5:28 p.m. No.7915103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5219


the surity you convey to me is a boomarang and affirmation about how other feel about how this method of shaming those who dare to say 'this is psychologically an attack' about images of that nature, which are obvious to those who puruse images copiously.

you're projecting.

look, your psychology experiment failed. Anon see through the mind-game quality and gaslighting that you so subsequently to defend your sub-quality imagery.

It's sad that you are so hopped up to smeer the ones who see it that way.


what will you write about me in your papers?

how will I be portrayed.

will you say I was 'fucked up'?


another thing that people say with that f word is that they are going 'fuck someone up' they say it like this:

"I'll fuck you up"

I've never said that as I recall. even as a joke.

but you are quick to call me what you say and it's really you talking about what you know about yourself.

but in your larp you can't do the self-awareness thing. Your larp involves you persisting with the "I'm OK, you're not OK" post shaming.

But again I say to you: your asscesment about me is how all others will see you.

Anonymous ID: dc1159 Jan. 25, 2020, 5:36 p.m. No.7915182   🗄️.is 🔗kun

who thinks like that, anon?

do modern day people really 'worship' the sun?

or do they think it's some kind of portal for them to induce hallucinations of power?

if they step off into their delusions and never return does that harm the rest of eternity and the many, very many worlds that might exist or do exist?

it can't harm the worlds that don't exist.

if it's harmful for them to stare at the sun? Do we put them in jail? Do we put them in a mental hospital? How do we know they aren't just larping? I think I know because they don't go blind.

but maybe they do? I wouldn't wish that on them.


Anonymous ID: dc1159 Jan. 25, 2020, 5:44 p.m. No.7915253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5272


who makes it a joke? I'm one who people always tell me their deepest mental health secrets and share with me all the details of their stays at the place, etc. Well not all details.

some people are not in need of 'care' until they get care. And then they get it all day all night none stop.


Did you ever read 'the bell jar'? or One flu over the . . .


no one isn't crazy sometimes.