Anonymous ID: ea6b1b Jan. 25, 2020, 5:09 p.m. No.7914924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4952 >>4980 >>5017 >>5025 >>5066 >>5090 >>5094 >>5119 >>5124 >>5128 >>5140 >>5150 >>5167 >>5397 >>5428 >>5513 >>5577

Anons, oldfag here.


Ive asked for your prayers a year ago when my mother was diagnosed with cancer and you fags came through. She is cancer free and has been given another chance.


I need you faggots one more time. My little sister has always been sick with strange illnesses and lately she has been getting pains throughout her body.


Her doctor told her he thinks it might be multiple sclerosis and she needs to go for testing.


Anons, she will be 19 on February 12 (Abe Lincolns birthday and her favorite president)


shes 19 years old and shes smart and BEAUTIFUL and so very kind. Please pray that its not MS. And please pray for a cure for MS because it is such an awful disease.


I would really appreciate it. We make miracles happen on this board. Please pray for my little sister. thanks fags.



Anonymous ID: ea6b1b Jan. 25, 2020, 5:33 p.m. No.7915153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5182 >>5367


Corona virus


Sun worshippers will never EVER win.


their god doesnt exist so neither does their power. Their power solely exists in the minds of men.


The cure will come out and it will be a win for POTUS again.


The corona virus. They really do think they are gods. Fools.