Anonymous ID: 1dd9ae Jan. 25, 2020, 6:51 p.m. No.7915822   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, let’s see…

-Clinton/Podesta/Bronfman/Rothschild/Soros all worship Satan. Many celebs/political figures were going to Epstein island and not only raping kids, but sacrificing them to Moloch. Read the emails. Weiner’s laptop “insurance file”

  • They had a 16 year plan established to create a Mass Casualty event that would lead to a One World Government (Iran/NK/China) many CIA blacksites globally

  • This “resist” movement you see here domestically was already done in Ukraine. “Purple Revolution”.

  • Ukraine has/had the DNC server which will reveal that the DNC wasn’t hacked by Russia but rather a DNC insider named Seth Rich leaked the emails when he read them and saw the pure evil shit that was going down. He was murdered.

  • 9/11 was a false flag.

  • Benghazi was an arms deal gone wrong

  • Operation Fast and Furious

  • Operation Mockingbird has totally short circuited

  • Operation Paperclip

You have a shit load of lurking to do. Just know we were run by 3 families and every POTUS since Truman has been a puppet of the deep state.