Anonymous ID: 7fe3a3 Jan. 25, 2020, 7:27 p.m. No.7916160   🗄️.is 🔗kun


interesting comments to this 150n dolla book.


July 15, 2018

Format: Paperback

The reason that "There's a Fish in the Courthouse" costs so much……..the reason that Wean's book has not been reprinted…

…….the reason that Chapter 44 of this book is available online BUT is belittled by a Troll whose introduction to the chapter pushes the official "lone assassin" nonsense….is that Wean's book explains who shot President Kennedy and why,


Wean explains how CIA agent, E Howard Hunt (having evidently gotten approval from his trusted chain of command (from Richard Helms?) worked with other "trusted" (masonic?) Intel agents to fake an assassination of JFK – a false flag – so that they could stampede Americans into supporting a US MIlitary invasion of communist Cuba.


Oswald was to be a "fake" assassin who was directed to take actions proving "communist" loyalties. Hunt's plan was for Oswald to pretend to be a commie by laying an "assassination" trail by distributing flyers urging "Fair Play for Cuba"; firing a rifle at right-wing General Edwin Walker; seeking a Cuban visa at the Cuban embassy in Mexico. Hunt's plan called for Oswald to fire three shots into the air at the Book Depository, leaving the rifle as evidence; then go to a movie theater, where he would be met and and flown into hiding (by David Ferrie?) until the US Military had reclaimed Cuba.


But Hunt was "punked" by someone in his own chain of command ( (((Richard Helms)))?). A REAL assassination team was sent into the US to piggyback on Hunt's harebrained scheme….and turn the phony assassination attempt into a real one.


Hunt and his pals' plans were led astray from the start by their belief in the phony Cold War narrative. They did not know that the Sephardic Jew Fidel Castro was put in power by his handlers (((commies))) in the US State Dept or that the "missile crisis" was part of the phony Cold War that had been scripted to keep US "defense" (((contractors))) such as (((Caspar Weinberger))) reaping $trillions in Department of Defense contracts and US taxpayers perpetually paying interest to the (((Federal Reserve Bank))).


JFK (who was interfering in the scripted war in Vietnam) was slandered to the Military as a "commie-lover." When JFK unexpectedly was shot dead, Hunt and his co-plotters panicked. Hunt and his fellow Mil-Intel agents, who did not understand the Covert MetaPolitical Game, suddenly realized that their plan had been sabotaged and that they had been tricked into participating in treason. At this point they realized that they all could easily be turned into "patsies" and were desperate to cover-up their roles….leaving revenge for another day.


Later, while working for Nixon, Hunt tried to expose the killers of JFK, but he was outstrategized again. Hunt's wife Dorothy was killed in a commercial plane "accident" on her way to seek "help" in Chicago (from the FBI office that prevented an earlier assssination attempt on JFK?) Later, (((Mark Lane))) used Hunt's real presence in Dallas to silence Hunt and send him to prison. Lane knew that Hunt could not tell the truth about Dallas; it would have exposed him to even worse hatred and ridicule.