Anonymous ID: b9f26c Jan. 25, 2020, 6:49 p.m. No.7915799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Exert from within the graphic:

Q’s clock or The Clock is a figure of speech used to highlight the significance of the amount of time between a Q post and a President Trump (POTUS) tweet or retweet, or between two POTUS tweets or retweets… The Clock is a figure of speech or metaphor but its implications are real. Q and POTUS "use" The Clock, or deltas between Q and POTUS or between POTUS and himself, to establish communication, verify legitimacy, and shout out to the anons who spread Q’s information.


How to "use" The Clock:

  • When Q posts or POTUS tweets, check the timestamp

  • If Trump tweets after Q posts or Trump tweets again, check the delta in minutes or seconds for a [0] minute delta

  • If there is a significant delta marker used ([0], [1], [5], [10], [15], [17], etc), make a side by side graphic showing the delta

  • Check for any communications there might be hidden within it

  • Post it, discuss it, and spread it!


Useful links:


Full text from within the graphic:


I included in this post two blank versions of that little stopwatch graphic in case you want to use it. I don't really use the minute and second one, but might start if Q keeps going closer to gets THE [0:00:00] delta. Let me know if you have any questions or if there are any errors, and would be more than thrilled to discuss the graphic and deltas in general.

Anonymous ID: b9f26c Jan. 25, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.7915867   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>there is a way to look into Hunter Biden outside the trial

That's really important. If they don't call witnesses to end this sham, Graham can still call them as witnesses in some other setting like an oversight hearing.