Anonymous ID: feb3da Jan. 25, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.7915761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5871



I believe this is it. The great sickness I saw coming in 2007.


If you love your people as you claim, close the borders NOW. If you have been told there is a vaccine and therefore everything is OK, you are being lied to. There MIGHT be a vaccine–but it is not what you are told.


I repeat, choices will decide whether or not this becomes Captain Tripps. It has not yet been decided….this is fluid–outcome depends on your choices.


You know that taking temperatures leaving planes or getting on planes is ineffective.


  1. they are taking anti-fever medications both before leaving and before arriving.


  1. There are known Typhoid Mary's who are spreading it and are asymptomatic. (10 year old boy for example).


  1. There are three different presentation types.


28 days the organism lives on surfaces


14 day incubation period when you are contagious but not sick


4 generation jumps..


Forget about the fucking economy. If the wrong choices are made there won't be an economy to rebuild nor anyone left to rebuild it.


Institute immediate halts on rent collection, bill payments and order retailers to stop JIT shipping so people can prepare.


FUCKING STOP that 5g shit. NOW.


I didn't think the great sickness would come first-I thought it could come after the earthquake.




How is it possible that San Fran Sicko–that has one of the largest China towns in the US–has reported no cases? Exactly. States bordering California, Washington, and Oregon need to institute measures to stop Californians fleeing.


People must be told to prepare to shelter IN PLACE. Bugging out is dangerous if it has not been done NOW.


I remind you of the ONE town in the US that had no deaths and very little swine flu in 1918…Yellow Springs OH instituted an IMMEDIATE quarantine with curfew. STRICT.


And fucking cancel all large crowd events. Holy shit the Super Bowl alone will spread this around the entire US.


Whether or not this becomes Captain Tripps or not depends on the choices YOU MAKE NOW. You've done so well changing the timeline–making different choices in the same situations has created different outcomes shifting the timeline. Syria–, Iran–please listen if you are cock sure the US is OK–and that is because you have been told there is vaccine–DO NOT BELIEVE THEM.


Americans reading here–people from elsewhere-go read on how to prepare to shelter in place because unless you know HOW to do this you will fail. Do it BEFORE there is a "case in your state" because by then that person has been toddling around contaminating everything he or she touches…with a current RO of 4.0 waiting until there IS a case to prepare means Wuhan type rushes to stores, empty shelves, masses descending on hospitals–by then it is too late.


Do not go to the hospital. If you don't have it before you go, you will have it when you leave (if you leave). See Wuhan hospital halls.


What happens next depends on the choices you make NOW.




It is now in my backwater town–two niggers from Africa. SHUT this shit the fuck down.

Anonymous ID: feb3da Jan. 25, 2020, 7:30 p.m. No.7916185   🗄️.is 🔗kun


THIS is now in the three major ports in China. If China doesn't close the ports they export shit and kill the world even worse. If they DO close the ports the world can't get their cheap chinese shit.


China manufactures 88% of all USA antibiotics.

Anonymous ID: feb3da Jan. 25, 2020, 7:32 p.m. No.7916205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6279


ALL the sauce is here–sorry not screenshotting all of this.

Anonymous ID: feb3da Jan. 25, 2020, 7:33 p.m. No.7916224   🗄️.is 🔗kun


here is a web page with the entire thread on it.

Anonymous ID: feb3da Jan. 25, 2020, 7:37 p.m. No.7916248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oddly I'm not really bothered by them trying to keep their muzzies under control. Look at Russia and Chechnya, India and their fucking muzzies taking over, or Burma…they swoop in as refugees, breed like bunnies then overwhelm the local population. China does a lot of shitty stuff but keeping their muzzies from doing to them what they've done everywhere else? Yeah not going to worry about that.

Anonymous ID: feb3da Jan. 25, 2020, 7:48 p.m. No.7916327   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You better wake the fuck up. When I see something it HAPPENS. I have never ever been concerned about disease in the news. I am not "concerned" now. NOW I am bugged in.


Ebola made me look but nope..that was not what I saw–NOTHING has made me think this is it.


Whoever the fuck you are you better wake the fuck up.


Trump has probably been told–no worries anyway we have a vaccine. If he does not shut down shit like China has, say HELLO to Captain Tripps.


HIS choice.