Anonymous ID: 8f87ad Jan. 25, 2020, 8:02 p.m. No.7916438   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh, shit, Brian Schatz's twatter feed should be turned into an avalanche of shit-ass lefty antifa bullshit we've had to put up with for the last four fucking years.


He can go straight to hell.

Anonymous ID: 8f87ad Jan. 25, 2020, 8:31 p.m. No.7916671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6693 >>6865




Watch vidya in link.


OK, it's important you watch this. 600 million documents - this eclipses everything to date. All detailing US citizens private details including bank accounts. I am finding it hard to fathom what I've just heard and I have put this in Political Madness because, well, it's absolute madness if this allegation is true and this ex-IC employee walked out of the CIA, NSA and FBI with 47 hard drives that were subsequently buried by Comey.


He's (the ex-IC employee) suing Comey for allegedly covering up civil rights violations.

Alright this ATS post is from 2017, says that Montgomery was suing Comey for civil rights violations.


So do we have Montgomery's current legal status? Is he a free man at the moment? Status of that lawsuit?


Know what just jumped into my head? Q said "we have it all" and those words practically burned my eyes.

If the good guys "have it all", does that mean Comey actually turned it all over?

Could that be what "we have it all" means? Q has the Montgomery holy grail?

Nothing else makes sense to me.


I don't know the timeline and it's critical we know that.

When did Montgomery take the holy grail? And then when did he present it to Comey?

And what other happenings were happening in DC around those two events?

Mid 2017, let's see, when did Q start posting?

My nose is twitching.

Anonymous ID: 8f87ad Jan. 25, 2020, 8:38 p.m. No.7916735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6922


Hmm, got any more info? Name?

There sure are a bunch of strategically-positioned individuals dying lately.

Are they getting third-optioned?

You know, when negotiation doesn't work, and warfare isn't wise, you go to the third option.

Anonymous ID: 8f87ad Jan. 25, 2020, 8:52 p.m. No.7916850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6870 >>6901 >>6940 >>7050


  1. Montgomery left the NSA as an employee turned whistleblower with a massive amount of data to prove the NSA was illegally surveilling American citizens.

  2. Montgomery went to Larry Klayman at FREEDOM WATCH asking him to help in the revealing of this material.

  3. Klayman began his quest to get a hearing for Montgomery. He began in 2015, but he has yet to achieve his goal.

  4. Klayman filed a lawsuit: KLAYMAN V OBAMA

  5. Klayman is still waiting to secure Montgomery a hearing to give his testimony and data to the correct authorities.

  6. FBI DIRECTOR JAMES COMEY has record of this, has ignored it, lied to Congress on Capitol Hill on March 20, 2017 about having no information of Trump surveillance…even though he knew this case existed. I am waiting to hear the word “perjury” come up for Comey. I, also, checked to see if President Trump could fire Comey, and, yes, he can.

  7. Klayman and Montgomery sent information to Devin Nunes and others on Capitol Hill of this situation when Nunes asked anyone to come forward who has any information on Trump wiretapping.

  8. No one but Nunes bothered to make this public.


The following are documents from FREEDOM WATCH AND LARRY KLAYMAN about this matter:


You guys need to go look at the rest of this in the link.

Anonymous ID: 8f87ad Jan. 25, 2020, 9:12 p.m. No.7917004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7050


Look at this from 2015:


Under questioning by the judge during contempt of court proceedings, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio admitted his office had hired Dennis Montgomery to do an unorthodox investigation. The next day, his chief deputy explained it had to do with surveillance by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Central Intelligence Agency.


Now Montgomery is trying to intervene in the contempt proceedings against the sheriff.


Following Arpaio’s admission that he had hired Montgomery as a confidential informant to help with the investigation, U.S. District Court Judge Murray Snow ordered the sheriff to turn over all records of that investigation to the court-appointed monitor who is ensuring Arpaio’s compliance with court orders.


Montgomery is arguing that he is being unfairly impacted by that order and has lost control of his intellectual property.


In a motion dated Thursday, May 7, Montgomery asked that Snow allow him to intervene in the case, in order to “demand a return of his documents, records, work product and proprietary interests; to move to strike false information about him from the record, which is also irrelevant to the proceedings, to disqualify the Honorable Murray Snow and file a demand for the immediate transfer of the case to a different judge … and move for a halt to the inquiry.”


Montgomery has a colorful past and is no stranger to controversy. Over the past several years he has been discredited in media reports for allegedly scamming various federal agencies by selling them counter-terrorism technology that did not work. Montgomery has denied the allegations and has sued one of the journalists, New York Times reporter James Risen, for libel.


Snow is not obligated to allow Montgomery to intervene and therefore may not consider the motions at all.


Montgomery also filed a separate motion requesting that Snow disqualify himself from the proceedings.


Montgomery did not specify in his motion which information about him he was seeking to strike from the record. In their testimony in court, both Arpaio and Chief Deputy Jerry Sheridan said they questioned Montgomery’s credibility and his investigation had not yielded results.


When Snow asked Arpaio if it was fair to say that “the informer was giving you junk,” Arpaio said, "Yes."


Sheridan also said Montgomery was using data he had copied from the CIA.


Montgomery is represented by attorney Larry Klayman, who also represents Arpaio in his lawsuit against the Obama administration for expanding deferred action and work permits to a larger category of unauthorized immigrants. Klayman is also separately suing the National Security Agency for its domestic data collection program and Montgomery is a witness in that case.


EDITOR'S NOTE: This story has been updated to reflect that Sheriff Joe Arpaio's chief deputy testified about Dennis Montgomery's investigation.


Updated 5/1//2015 at 1:38 p.m.


Copies of the legal docs are in the link - there's about 10 pages, but formatting on web page was screwy so I didn't download to try to add here.