Anonymous ID: 24c249 Jan. 25, 2020, 9:55 p.m. No.7917305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7310



Map Key:


peer check this-


We've been under martial law since civil war. Never rescinded.


If not the case, doesn't matter. Wayne Paul explainse we've been under "emergency powers" act since U.S. bankruptsy during Roosevelt.


see at 00:00:29


Every U.S. person has been collateralized against the debt. We are debt slaves.


IMO, slavery never ended. Emancipation simply means something like 'taken out of the hand of.' someone.


Into whose hands were the "freed" slaves given over to?

To the United States of America, inc.


I also believe that the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, conferring citizenship to the emancipated slaves as well as the rest of the rebirth of America.

Citizenship is slavery, because if you can only leave the land with a hall pass, you aren't free.

I digress.


The MAP!

Start with the key.

Q also stated that the first (what?), 300ish posts are "more than you need," or something along those lines.


But, frankly, I'm not really quite sure what this conversation about the "map" is really about, but the QPost placed in this post is the map KEY.


Says so right at the top.

I'll keep bonin' up on the map.


Anonymous ID: 24c249 Jan. 25, 2020, 10:15 p.m. No.7917410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7575 >>7598


>>>After a short dig, I think it is likely to be Osiris on Killary's medallion.


Those look like ancient gold coins, something like has been dug up in some ancient kurgan, or an ancient King's grave. Remember, these folks are pirates, in all sense of the word.


Gilgamesh's burial site was found JUST before the war started in Iraq. Get that? They find Gilgamesh, swoop in with U.S. Military to "secure" the dig before kinetic action commenced.


There hasn't been a peep in the press about it since then.


Who knows what they really found. Also, remember, Gilgamesh was supposedly 2/3 god…


But Iahoshua is 1:1 God! They already lost.


That being said, those trinkets definitely possess the joo-joo (no troll, not jew jew).


Moreover, she's got three "bound" on a chain.

"Binding," is witchcraft. So is "sealing," if that makes sense.


the number 3, people! Magic Vatican number 3!


Enjoy the show!



Bonus graphic on the project to open the PORTAL!

Can't make this shit up.

Anonymous ID: 24c249 Jan. 25, 2020, 10:59 p.m. No.7917641   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jerome Corsi has an interdasting family history.


Turns out, a Corsi ancestor was involved with the Rennaissance practice of castrating boys to sing opera into adulthood.


So, you don't think the "conspiracy theory" that, for example, Justin Bieber is really a female is true?


Well, read this and then ask yourself, if you could make millions a year off of Michael Jackson as a child, and as much as was made, do you think grubby handed Joos in hollywood wanted to give that up?


Well, real life example of how to extend the life of the "voice". They chemically castrated MJ and proved profitable for ((them)). He surely made more from thriller and the rest of his career than those short years of childhood would have allowed.




Early on in the article, one encounters the Corsi clan out of the Pallazzo Corsi scheming and devising and reintroducing the world to eunuchs.

They hail from Florence Italy, neighbors to the D'medici.


bonus article-


Moreover,it's true. Beyonce is a man. Shy do you think they were hanging out with Michael Obama so often.


Jerome Corsi is a bitch!


Can't make this shit up…


Enjoy the show!


#WTC #NineEleven

Anonymous ID: 24c249 Jan. 25, 2020, 11:13 p.m. No.7917709   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i'll admit that i was one who stepped away from Q whenever AJ was like: "i talked to Q…it's fake." yadayada.


He had cred with me cuz of Piezenic. Now I have doubts about Steve. Is he fucking MOS, too.


Was Piezenic sent in to use AJ and keep tabs on his MOS activities or was the the MOS handler?


Fuck me. I'm depressed now.


I've learned my lesson. Cooper was right about that fool. He seriously stole Cooper's schtick, too.

Now, knowing that AJ is taking it up the ass from MOS, I'm wondering if they didn't have Cooper killed in order to clone the act in AJ.


If that's true, that fucker needs a firing squad.


And, if AJ is comped, is Rogan?


Corsi, too.

Is WorldNetDaily comped by MOS?


That means fucking Michael Savage is, too?


The depression. I either need a drink or I need to throw up.



Delayed reaction red pill.


91Whiskey (64W now), bitches!


Anonymous ID: 24c249 Jan. 25, 2020, 11:59 p.m. No.7917879   🗄️.is 🔗kun



…and their cousin over here, GW.


That fucking POS!


Can't wait to see that fucker go down. Spent a long time in that fucking desert over there because of his dumb ass.




And, I love that they can't help themselves. LOL!

FUCK YOU GW (master bugger mason faggot cumdumpster)