Anonymous ID: 69513f Jan. 25, 2020, 9:45 p.m. No.7917237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7253 >>7288 >>7325

Over the Target: Marsha Blackburn Draws Ire of Trump Foes as She Exposes Key Impeachment Figure Vindman


Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has drawn fire from across the anti-Donald Trump political spectrum the past few days as she has publicly challenged the fake establishment built around key impeachment figure and Democrat witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. Vindman infamously testified in his full military uniform–despite the fact he does not wear it to work at the National Security Council (NSC)–before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) during the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry stage last year helping build their case to pass articles of Impeachment before Christmas. The “impeachment managers,” the top Democrats that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has appointed to argue the Democrats’ partisan case for removing President Trump from office before the U.S. Senate, have repeatedly invoked Vindman’s testimony over the course of this week, where Democrats have finally finished their opening arguments after three long days of that and a previous late night on Tuesday in the Senate where they used a series of meaningless amendments to buy more time to press their case on the Senate floor.


But it is a series of tweets from Blackburn that have infuriated the president’s enemies, Never Trumpers and Democrats alike, where the freshman U.S. senator and conservative firebrand from Tennessee–a strong ally of the president–has called for the truth to finally come out about Vindman and others’ role in orchestrating this entire impeachment charade from the beginning. Everything Blackburn has said about Vindman is factually accurate.


On Thursday, Blackburn began a tweet thread–one of many she’s done this week exposing the left on this impeachment case–by questioning the image that the establishment media and Democrats have painted of Vindman being patriotic. As she points out, Vindman was reprimanded earlier in his military career for badmouthing the United States in front of Russian military officials. “Before he was detailed to the White House, Vindman served in the U.S. Army, where he once received a reprimand from a superior officer for badmouthing and ridiculing America in front of Russian soldiers his unit was training with during a joint 2012 exercise in Germany,” RealClearPolitics’ Paul Sperry wrote on January 22. So, clearly, the facts behind Blackburn’s first tweet were factually accurate.


Then, a few minutes later, she added a follow-up tweet questioning whether–as HPSCI chairman and Pelosi-designated “impeachment manager” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) claimed on the floor of the Senate this week that Vindman was not “vindictive”–Vindman’s decision to circumvent his chain of command to leak the contents of the president’s call with Ukraine’s president was “vindictive.

Anonymous ID: 69513f Jan. 25, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.7917290   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hillary Clinton Documentary Reveals Obama Called Trump a ‘Fascist’


Then-President Barack Obama decried candidate Donald Trump as a “fascist” during a phone conversation with Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) amid the heat of the 2016 presidential election, the failed vice-presidential pick Kaine reveals in a forthcoming documentary on Hillary Clinton, according to NBC News.


In an episode of Hillary, a four-part documentary series airing on Hulu, about the former secretary of state’s life, Kaine recalls his conversation with Obama while conversing with Clinton and wife Anne Holton. “President Obama called me last night and said, ‘Tim, remember, this is no time to be a purist. You’ve got to keep a fascist out of the White House,'” said the Virginia Democrat, adding that the then-president “knows me and he knows that I could tend to err.” “I echo that sentiment,” Clinton replied. “But that’s really — the weight of our responsibility is so huge.” The date of the exchange is unknown.


Obama’s reported characterization of President Trump is his strongest attack on the Republican known to date. The former president took a veiled shot at Trump in his 2016 Democrat National Convention speech, warning “homegrown demagogues” threaten the United States.


Speaking Saturday at the Sundance film festival with The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, Clinton expanded on thoughts about Obama’s pointed criticism. '''“If you look at the definition [of fascist], which I’ve had the occasion to read several times,” said Clinton, “I think we can agree on several things: One, he has authoritarian tendencies and he admires authoritarian leaders, [Vladimir] Putin being his favorite,” she added. “He uses a form of really virulent nationalism. He identifies targets: immigrants, blacks, browns, gays, women, whoever the target of the day or week is … I think you see a lot of the characteristics of what we think of [as] nationalistic, fascistic kinds of tendencies and behaviors

Anonymous ID: 69513f Jan. 25, 2020, 10:18 p.m. No.7917434   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UNDERCOVER: Watch DNC Group teach ILLEGAL VOTING in Arizona


According to Patriot Productions, “UNDERCOVER HEROES. One of our hosts, Joe Baswari, and our friend, Josh Aminov, approached a booth from AZ Act Blue 2020 at the Phoenix Women's March on Sunday, 1/19/20, disguised as illegal immigrants seeking to vote.”


“After asking the organization's co-founder, Richard Gooding, about how to vote as non-citizens, asking if they ‘support illegals,’ the staffer told an undercover journalists how they could sneak around voter laws and vote as non-citizens in federal elections!” Watch what happens after the “camera turns off”. #2020


UNDERCOVER: Watch DNC Group teach ILLEGAL VOTING in Arizona

UNDERCOVER: Watch DNC Group teach ILLEGAL VOTING in Arizona

Posted January 24, 2020 — #2020


According to Patriot Productions, “UNDERCOVER HEROES. One of our hosts, Joe Baswari, and our friend, Josh Aminov, approached a booth from AZ Act Blue 2020 at the Phoenix Women's March on Sunday, 1/19/20, disguised as illegal immigrants seeking to vote.”


“After asking the organization's co-founder, Richard Gooding, about how to vote as non-citizens, asking if they ‘support illegals,’ the staffer told an undercover journalists how they could sneak around voter laws and vote as non-citizens in federal elections!”


Watch what happens after the “camera turns off”.


Is this how liberals will swing the election in their favor in 2020? This video is from the swing state of Arizona, which could decide the next election!

Anonymous ID: 69513f Jan. 25, 2020, 10:49 p.m. No.7917592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7611 >>7764 >>7820 >>7854

North Korea: Kim Jong-un’s aunt makes surprise public appearance, six years after husband’s shock execution


Kim Kyong-hui attended a Lunar New Year concert with the North Korean leader, his wife and influential sister. Analysts speculate appearance could signal aunt has been granted a significant new position.


Kim Jong-un’s aunt has made a surprise public appearance, six years after her husband was executed as a traitor. Kim Kyong-hui, 73, was with Kim Jong-un and other party officials when they watched a Lunar New Year’s music performance, the North’s official KCNA news agency reported Sunday.


The North’s top newspaper Rodon Sinmun published a picture which showed the aunt, bespectacled and wearing black Korean traditional clothes, sitting next to Kim Jong-un’s wife Ri Sol-ju and the leader’s sister Kim Yo-jong. It listed Kim Kyong-hui’s name next to the North’s No 2, Choe Ryong-hae. “This means that her familial status within the Kim dynasty remains largely intact, despite her political difficulties following her husband’s execution,” Professor Koh Yu-hwan of Dongguk University told South China Morning Post.


Kim Kyong-hui’s husband Jang Song-thaek, once considered the second most powerful man in the highly hierarchical state, was executed in 2013 after a special military tribunal found him guilty of treason, the North’s news media has reported. His execution came after he was stripped of all posts and expelled from the ruling Workers’ Party for “criminal acts” including mismanagement of the state financial system, womanising and alcohol abuse.


Jang brought together “undesirable forces and formed a faction as the boss of a modern day factional group for a long time and thus committed such hideous crime as attempting to overthrow the state,” the North’s official KCNA news agency said at the time. South Korea’s intelligence agency earlier reported that the anguished and grief-stricken Kim Kyong-hui had to be admitted to a sanatorium in the suburbs of Pyongyang. But because of Jang’s reported womanising, she had in effect split with Jang before his execution and she did not belong to Jang’s faction, professor Koh noted.