Anonymous ID: 997344 Jan. 25, 2020, 10:27 p.m. No.7917491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7531


>8c.h.a.n /pol/ was vastly superior to 4/pol/

As long as you ignore the fact that despite all the oldfags there, they missed the radioactive glow level of the manifesto/shooter video dropping glowniggers that infiltrated the board.

However, all the chaos BO caused, it's mostly his fault.

>when will it be back?

Won't. 8/pol took the blame for the deplatforming. Pro-tip, even if BO is a stupid banHammer swinging lunatic, rolling out the red carpet to clowns and glowniggers from a hopelessly comped Neo-Nazi LARPing clown farm (cough–stormFags–cough) is a really bad idea,

I did notice this board the other day though:

Populated by 8/pol-achs who blame Jim for taking down 8chan, and Cloudflare had nothing to do with it (despite Cloudflare CEO and -board members saying that the did),

Anonymous ID: 997344 Jan. 25, 2020, 10:59 p.m. No.7917640   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I don't think it's racial appropriation to eat foreign cuisine,

The fact that you felt it was necessary to post that suggests strongly that you find the argument that it IS cultural appropriation legitimate, and have almost zero confidence in your convictions. It also means that you think "culture" can be "appropriated", that it is wrong to do so, and fear being called out on it.


Anonymous ID: 997344 Jan. 25, 2020, 11:59 p.m. No.7917880   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Bernie will just end up doing the same thing he did in 2016.

Bernie Rek'T

KeKeKeKeKeKitty KeK.

When I took an hour or two to read Bernie biographical material, it became quite obvious that he's a cowardly, lazy, loud mouthed shnook.If Bernie wasn't so lazy, he'd have ended up just another jewboi sociology PhD indoctrinating undergraduate goy in the wonders of socialism at some small New England liberal arts college.

IIRC Bernie was living in his car when he ran for his first public office and won.

However, while Bernie talks the talk of a Stalinesque communist paradise, he's much more aligned with a Trotskish Persian/Plato/Near Eastern Philosopher-King style monarchy, a place where gifted visionaries like Bernie, rightfully live in wealth and luxury, rather than greedy wealth and resource thieving capitalists. Bernie however is weak and cowardly at his core.

So when the DNC goes to Bernie and says here's $5MM, we need you to suspend your camapain. If you don't siuspend and win the presidency, your one term will make Jimmy Carter's term look heroically productive. You keep running and lose, the DNC will take your Senate seat. Bernie will take the money, and pat himself on the back.