Anonymous ID: a865f7 Jan. 25, 2020, 10:28 p.m. No.7917495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7915042 PB On Notable and a personal experience, leading to a question for anons who are digging the Hammer.


>Montgomery also contends that the government can plant files such as child pornography or state secrets on a target’s computer, setting up the owner of that device for blackmail or framed prosecution.


Anons, I watched a case go down in a real local court where a person who developed high tech computer machine control programs at his business appeared to be framed exactly this way.


The police swat teamed his brother the year before, and we surmise they were actually aiming for the business owner, and got the wrong guy. Fortunately the brother was separated from his wife, and did not live at that first raided home. There were no hard drives to take.


A year later, this man who developed high tech programs for control systems for businesses around the country was swat teamed. All of his life product, on 11 hard drives were taken from his home, with an accusation that there was child porn on his home computer.


At discovery, of course, the business owner, professional high tech programmer hired a computer expert witness to see if he could locate anything like what the police were talking about. That expert was denied the right to look at all the hard drives.


The police said they "misplaced them".

They gave him the one computer to look at that they had. The expert was able to locate a single picture that had never been opened, that was downloaded as part of a movie, and that still could not be opened, because it was corrupted. How did did the police say they know it was child porn? They said they knew by the file name.


Then the prosecutor claimed to have evidence of 17 such photos, and told him he could plead guilty for three years in jail, or, he could do a year for every photo on his machine. The defendant asked the police and prosecutor to show him the 17 photos. They refused saying that if they opened the photos, they would be breaking the law.

At that same time, the expert he hired for his case suddenly disappeared, and has never been found to this day.


The business owner was sane, so he chose to plead guilty, rather than risk 17 years. At the trial, I watched as the judge interrupted the defendant programmer, and made him a deal to drop a year off of his sentence, if he would sign a paper giving up his rights to the 11 hard drives taken out of his home. Right after the sentencing, the defendants lawyer suddenly died of a heart attack.


I think this has something to do with China stealing the work product of Americans through the corrupt court system. And if China, possibly others. So anons……


When you look at this Hammer thing, and you find people are being prosecuted for child porn on computers (not real meetings with children, but, pictures that can be planted),

…..could you take note of whether or not a disproportionate number of people who are prosecuted for child porn are in fact people who do high tech programming as opposed to other disciplines and careers?

I have a feeling that this "porn download" thing has been used to swat team and steal work product from Americans.

Gut feeling.

But this case had too many pointers to that end. They did everything to steal the programs (his life's work) and they needed an agreement to keep them stolen.

Anonymous ID: a865f7 Jan. 25, 2020, 10:49 p.m. No.7917593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7603 >>7667 >>7676


I think what Q is doing is some what entertaining. If I were him, I would leave that "state funeral" post, front and center at the top.


DS has two choices:

1) Have a state funeral just in time to hide the Republican Defense team, and change the narrative like they did with Bush funeral.


Ultimate Q Proof, AND, the population realizes DS would actually kill someone to create a narrative schedule for Television, to hide evidence from the public.


2) Stop the state funeral plans. Sit tight, and suffer the White Hat narrative avalanche at the Senate trial hearings. Presidents Lawyers tear up the Democrat Fake impeachment while Rudy throws evidence of corruption out of his podcast attack helicopter like confetti at a ticker tape parade, and Anons continue to "be the news now".


Mebbe Q content.

Anonymous ID: a865f7 Jan. 25, 2020, 10:57 p.m. No.7917630   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is because the elderly have to die from something, and when they are sick at death, their lungs will fill up with fluid that will cause flu or, pneumonia. These two then are often the cause of death. That is what I understand from working in nursing homes for years. MANY of the residents die from flu or pneumonia on their death beds. They might be dying from cancer or heard disease or something else, but, the flu gets them first.