Anonymous ID: d7c037 Jan. 25, 2020, 10:30 p.m. No.7917511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7880


Bernie will just end up doing the same thing he did in 2016. He'll again cave without protesting whatever dirty tricks the DNC hatches to steal the nomination from him and prove, yet again, that he is the Greatest Judas Goat of U.S. Politics of all time. He'll also gift to the DNC all the millions $$ in small donations that the naive young and poor supporters were able to scrape together after beguiling them with the same pie in the sky schtick he used in 2016.


FFS he NEVER said a word about the suspect DCPD investigation of his murdered supporter Seth Rich, or a word in support of the Class Action lawsuit filed against the DNC for rigging the primaries or a word about the young process server [of the DNC lawsuit]Shawn Lucas who died under mysterious circumstances.


But never you mind any of the above. Just keep ignorant about the Senate's token socialist elitist who owns three homes and who has never spearheaded a successful, truly progressive bill into law during his entire 30-years career in D.C.