Anonymous ID: fd620e Jan. 25, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.7917294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7318 >>7319 >>7340 >>7347 >>7500 >>7611 >>7764 >>7820 >>7854

the moment F9 kicks in on the cell tower side for data the tower received, the data is UNENCRYPTED for the data integrity check. That's where Huawei gets your data.


5) A long time ago, Q posted about the F9 algorithm, Facebook and China. When I saw this, I knew where to look to decode his message.


9) A part of a mobile communications protocol is the encryption and decryption of the data. Whenever your phone transceives data, it is being encrypted. This algorithm is called A5…..


10) The latest incarnation of this A5 algorithm is called KASUMI or A5/5. As in, it is the 5th version.


11) The A5/5 algorithm is also the strongest of them all. A5/0 is no encryption, A5/1 is a little encryption and so on and so forth.


12) The strength (so, the A5 number thing) is determined BY THE CELL TOWER. Your phone has no influence on that.


13) Your phone will start communicating clear text (i.e. no encryption) if the cell tower says "I want to talk A5/0 now" and your phone will go "Okay". This happens without your knowledge or interference.


14) Now, a part of this KASUMI / A5 algorithm is a so-called integrity check. Where UNENCRYPTED data gets checked for data integrity. This makes sure that the data transceived really is the data.


15) This integrity check is called… you guessed it: F9.


16) But what does that have to do with Facebook, China or … Huawei???


17) As determined, the encryption algorithm is controlled by whoever is controlling the cell tower(s). And, as it so happens, like most electronics, the cell tower your phone uses is MADE IN CHINA.


18) MADE BY HUAWEI to be exact. Most people know Huawei from the phones these days. But that is not their core business. Huawei's core business is the mobile infrastructure. And it always has been.


19) Almost all cell towers everyone uses all the time are made by Huawei.


21) Huawei's CEO is an ex-military officer of the People's Republic of China.


24) Most smart phones come with either Android or iOS. And both Android and iOS come with Facebook apps.


25) Most people never remove the Facebook app, allowing data collection by the app and its daemons


26) This app has the ability to collect data before it gets encrypted, either by the A5 algorithm (dictated by the cell tower), or by the stronger encryption methods used by apps like Signal Private Messenger or Wickr.


30) Huawei and Facebook have a data sharing agreement:


31) This agreement paves the 'legal' way for Huawei to still collect and share your voice data or regular 3g/4g data communication data with Facebook.