Anonymous ID: 1a5f5d Jan. 26, 2020, 2:55 a.m. No.7918484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8488 >>8561 >>8624



Might be easier to just watch vid with captions turned on, but here is

Copy-pasta from YT's caption transcript:

00:01 Hello everyone,

00:03 I hope everyone who is watching this can cherish this video.

00:09 Because it is very difficult to post anything online now.

00:12 In mainland China,

00:15 well, you know, we need VPN and all kinds of stuff,

00:19 and there's severe internet latency.

00:23 So I've got no other choice

00:26 but to seek help from here.

00:29 Hope there's Chinese comrades

00:32 and people with kindness can watch this,

00:35 and be aware about this Wuhan Pneumonia

00:39 so called "Coronavirus" pandemic,

00:41 The severity of the situation,

00:44 and the actual living condition

00:46 of us Wuhan people.

00:49 Right now, the entire Wuhan

00:51 has its entire transportation system, public transport

00:54 halted, all of them.

00:57 For example, gas stations are no longer in service.

01:02 And,

01:03 I've had a few questions. For example,

01:07 perhaps one of your family member

01:10 has something like a high blood pressure condition or heart attack,

01:12 and needs to go to the hospital immediately. How do we do that?

01:16 Calling emergency hotline 120,

01:19 you can try it, it simply doesn't get through.

01:22 Just doesn't get through at all. Always busy.

01:25 Another example, you suspect that

01:29 you might have contacted the pneumonia.

01:33 You want to get to the hospital to get checked.

01:37 But you just can't get there at all.

01:39 Hospitals are packed.

01:42 The doctors don't tell you to get registered or anything, you just have to line up.

01:45 You might have to wait hours in line and still can't get treated.

01:48 Perhaps you were fine before, but after queuing up for hours, you get contaminated.

01:52 And then I'm gonna talk about something I saw

01:54 with my own eyes.

01:56 One day before the day Wuhan is locked down,

02:01 As well as before 22nd,

02:04 In the entire city of Wuhan,

02:07 There weren't much people wearing masks.

02:09 There were just a bunch of people walking around without masks.

02:11 Playing mahjong,

02:13 Chitchatting everywhere,

02:16 interacting with street vendors.

02:19 I've got a question for us to discuss in this public platform,

02:27 What the hell had the Wuhan mayor and the Party committee secretary doing?

02:31 As a local government official,

02:35 did they not receive any information?

02:38 If they had indeed receive any first-hand information,

02:41 Why did they not take any actions?

02:43 For the entirety of the press conference,

02:45 Why did they not urge us to immediately put on a mask?

02:51 To at least increase our public health awareness?

02:55 If he did not receive any information, then he has neglected his duty

02:58 and he simply isn't fit for a job of local government official

03:01 and should have been sacked long ago.

03:04 Am I not right? Are my logics flawed?

03:09 It is only til 23rd, when Wuhan was locked down,

03:12 we finally have some sort of flyers all over our place

03:19 flyers to demand everyone to wear a mask

03:21 and then from 23rd

03:25 to 24th and now 25th,

03:28 we finally started seeing people wearing masks

03:31 So it is not about the citizens refusing to wear masks

03:34 it is about the local government did not do anything at all.

03:38 or maybe they even have some ulterior motive.

03:41 As for what motive, let's not discuss about them.

03:44 We can only say that in this Pandemic,

03:47 even after the 2003 experience,

03:53 we are just repeating our mistakes

03:58 And the current situation is definitely just as bad as the 2003 SARS, if not worse.

Anonymous ID: 1a5f5d Jan. 26, 2020, 2:56 a.m. No.7918488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8493 >>8561 >>8624


04:07 If you want to go outside, to get checked,

04:11 all of the public transportation are stopped.

04:14 If you want to drive yourself to the hospital,

04:17 there are no gas stations for you to refill.

04:20 Though I don't know for a fact that the gas stations stopped operation,

04:23 I've heard it from the internet, and did not check it myself.

04:27 So this is still speculative.

04:30 Then,

04:31 The whole picture for the current situation is,

04:34 Medical service is completely paralyzed, or I should say in total chaos.

04:40 I have a lot of friends who work at hospitals

04:44 says that if you enter a hospital,

04:47 they'll just give you some anti-inflammatory drugs or some hormone injection

04:50 or to put it bluntly,

04:53 you are just left for dead.

04:56 If you are strong you might make it through

05:01 If you don't, you're dead.

05:05 And the worst thing is

05:08 some of the "suspected case" are just as good as confirmed

05:11 but they ran out of test solutions or something like that

05:17 or they simply don't have enough resources or manpower to test it

05:20 They'll just tell you to go home and isolate yourselves.

05:22 I want to fucking ask,

05:25 can you find another country on this planet to be such fucking bullshit?

05:29 Even if you are suspected to have the contracted the disease,

05:32 not to mention those who are confirmed to have been diagnosed,

05:36 You should at least get some form of medical treatment right?

05:39 How can they just toss you away like that?

Anonymous ID: 1a5f5d Jan. 26, 2020, 2:57 a.m. No.7918493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8496 >>8561 >>8624


05:42 If you are a super-spreader, then

05:47 doesn't it mean that the government, or the medical facility just told you to carry the virus all over the place?

05:56 And cross-contaminate everyone?

05:58 As a regular citizen,

06:01 No matter how well you know about medical knowledge and how well you isolate yourself

06:03 you won't be as well-informed as the hospital staves and won't be isolated as safely.

06:07 Can you find another country on this planet,

06:10 another government, to fuck shit up like this?

06:13 I'm here on YouTube, with this video.

06:16 I don't have any ulterior motive.

06:18 I simply think that in one's lifetime,

06:22 There will always come to the time where

06:24 you must speak out the truth.

06:27 Sometimes in life,

06:30 you have to inevitably lie in order to survive or for whatever reason.

06:33 But in some specific occasion,

06:36 for example right now,

06:38 I think it is necessary

06:40 to speak out the truth with your own heart and conscience.

06:45 Wuhan is like the fucking hell right now

06:48 It used to be a very civil place,

06:51 the place where Mr Sun Yat-sen started the revolution to overthrow Imperial China

06:54 He fired his first round here.

06:57 It was suggested to build Wuhan like the current New York,

07:00 a modern city.

07:03 But now?

07:04 What does it look like now?

07:07 You see all kinds of pathetic, ridiculous,

07:10 outrageous, tragic,

07:12 every moment, you can see videos on twitter or other social medias

07:17 some familiar roads of Wuhan, or someone with a Wuhan accent,

07:21 some random person just drops dead or all kinds of scenarios

07:25 All those tragedies are just happening on the first day of Lunar New Year.

07:30 It was supposed to be a festive, happy day we all celebrate

07:33 But now

07:35 do you think us as Wuhan people, or as Chinese can feel happy?

07:41 And I hope that all overseas Chinese can understand one point:

07:45 We the Chinese, at least my friends and me, in our 20s and 30s

07:53 are not dumbasses, are not brainwashed.

07:57 In our brains we all know it clearly

08:00 Like that clown Jin Canrong, he might be able to fool some kids

08:08 but we all fucking know what this country really is

Anonymous ID: 1a5f5d Jan. 26, 2020, 2:58 a.m. No.7918496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8561 >>8624


08:13 We just have no ways, no power, our bodies are made of flesh and blood.

08:22 We can't beat full metal jackets and tanks.

08:25 I hope every single overseas Chinese who can watch this video, help us.

08:32 You don't have to spend a dime, or do anything,

08:37 You just tap with your finger, get the message out.

08:40 I'm not making a living out of this.

08:42 I just want to create some public pressure

08:45 to make the Chinese government know not to escape their responsibilities.

08:48 They escaped all the way to some random shithole island in Qing Hai, to act like they are giving instructions to deal with the pandemic.

08:56 instructing my ass, are you thinking everyone else is retarded?

08:58 Fuck you.

09:01 Now, we as people could think in other's positions right?

09:04 Imagine you are a Wuhan citizen now,

09:06 If you are living on this land,

09:12 Your family, your friends, all the people you know,

09:17 Suddenly contracted the disease.

09:19 It's not like they refused to cooperate

09:22 but they just have no way

09:25 to get any medical treatments.

09:27 Can't even get diagnosed,

09:30 They can only sit there and be tormented by the disease and eventually death

09:33 A man only live fucking once. You've got only one life.

09:38 Once you're dead, it's over.

09:39 And this virus, it's not causing symptoms as the officials said,

09:43 fever, cough or whatever,

09:45 Even if you have no fever and no coughs,

09:49 You can still have the disease

09:52 And it's not only through oral transmissions

09:54 It can also get you through your eyes mucus

09:58 This is already confirmed

10:01 Many medical staves have already confirmed this.

10:06 And one month before the lockdown,

10:10 During the new year rush, a million or two have already left Wuhan.

10:14 What about those people? How to you prevent them from spreading the disease?

10:17 Are you gonna lock the whole China down?

10:19 Lockdown this, lockdown that, what the fuck have you been doing before this?

10:24 So I hope everyone who can watch my video,

10:28 can treasure this video as it was really difficult to upload.

10:32 I have been risking getting caught by the police all this time,

10:37 Trying to get the truth out.

10:42 We are really helpless.

10:45 Not all of us are brainwashed.

10:48 We, too want to live the life with democracy and freedom,

10:52 open,

10:53 and we too wanted to browse the internet without having to use VPN.

10:56 But we just can't, what can we even do about it?

11:00 Right? High housing cost, living cost, inflation.

11:03 Whatever happens to the high-ranked officials,

11:05 they'd scrape benefits off us peasants.

11:07 and we can only watch.

11:10 All of the friends around me,

11:14 as long as they are rich or have the ability,

11:16 they would fucking migrate the very moment they could.

11:19 None of us are dumb, we just have no power.

11:24 I urge you guys to help,

11:27 at least right now, we the Wuhan people really need the international pressure and awareness.

11:33 We are really too helpless, just one word, helpless.