One time I traded walrus josh faggot goy boy to sorosanon for a beer an a burger
Danielfaggot must getting hot and horny for the gayestshotgunwedding #ever
Might be a running joke from npc zombies
Maybe you should read their books
Why does the egg roll have such a mysterious history outside China ?
Cow pox did all that an eon ago
Why does the egg roll have such a mysterious history outside China ?
Perhaps Korea brought the cabbage and we made the spam
Shinto AF
And then if butt joos?
Anton chigur tried to warn us of porkbellies and their flat turd earth fexas lucre
And that shit melts faces off paperclip Jew devil judas fehgels too
Maybe if you left Israel you could get rehabilitation loser
Killed by the empire by Jew bribes
Maybe danielfaggot is haveing a kys sufferers symptoms from the trannywhoreing hangover