Lots of nasty pro life anons here - Let's debunk the notion that abortion is prohibited by the Bible. It is not. Before you bring out all the verses YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD prohibit abortion, first educate yourself. Read the research from the Catholic Notre Dame University - it is linked below but here is the bottom line:
The Catholic teaching opposes abortion. The Old Testament has nothing to say on abortion. This teaching depends on the self-sacrificing example of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Has anyone asked who "WE" are? Is it the anons? No of course not. It is WE THE PEOPLE.
Who exactly are WE THE PEOPLE? When you search American demographics the first thing you see are RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIVISIONS. But this foundation of the MSM narrative is not the focus here.
If you make a targeted search you will readily find that WE THE PEOPLE consist of 161 million FEMALES and 156 million MALES. THAT is the most important division of mankind. And what is Q doing about healing or diminishing that fundamental division of WE THE PEOPLE? I say Q is making it worse by perpetuating the crusade against WOMEN that is the pro life movement.
All anons and patriots want to wipe out evil and restore INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY AND FREEDOM. Thus I believe many if not most here on this board would rejoice that Q is pro-life since they consider abortion per se EVIL , just as Q does. But most Americans, and especially FEMALES, are pro-choice. They support PP. But are they wrong? Is PP EVIL?
NO - I have already posted concerning the failure of the congressional reports and hearings on PP to establish anything nefarious. The fact thatQ ASSUMES that abortion is evil is an ASSUMPTION on Q's part which is distinctly pro life - and is no more than a person moral choice and a political opinion. I can repost if needed but the matter was fully aired in prior breads.
https:// scholarship.law.nd.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1125&context=nd_naturallaw_forum