Anonymous ID: 7eb816 Jan. 26, 2020, 4:14 a.m. No.7918735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8750 >>8827 >>9283

Maggie's Tweet.

Colgate clock was prominent in views of 9/11 taken from New Jerseys [Propaganda shots, there were 1,000's of them] Those from that angle were prominent and many people connect that angle & view of NYC with that strange clock & 9/11 attack.

So I replied to the post with the screenshot of her tweet

"She's saying good-by to the world she knew" as an allusion to the feeling that was pushed on the public by 9/11 scam.

  1. From the 9/11 association and the thought that was promoted at that time by the NWO folks, to prepare public for their BIG plan and "Patriot Act"


but this time maybe it really is; and not in the way Maggie would like. Just as for us plebs, the world did not change in a way beneficial to us, by means of 9/11.

(Rockefeller buds were gleeful about it just as Pelosi is gleeful for the "Impeachment")

  1. We are at a turning point at this moment in time; but toward a better world; toward a turning away from what they wanted for us with their 9/11.

  2. In the case of Maggie; her world is ending now.

Ours is beginning.

We Are the News Now.

Someone, an oldfag anon interested in history commented to my post with a video from '09 which appeared to be suicide programming.

Collective Soul "The World I Knew"

The same phrase I used; that was the 9/11 programming.

All the young people were taught from that - the world is sick?

At the beginning of the video it's shows the same Colgate clock, which sits along the shore of NJ.

So , Maybe Maggie will have a suicide weekend?

maybe she's contemplating suicide? Or her friends are?

They programmed the whole generation from that 9/11 event toward despondency; longer topic. Been going on longer than just from then; but intensified, since they ramped up their plans.

Anonymous ID: 7eb816 Jan. 26, 2020, 4:39 a.m. No.7918827   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Time travel doesn't exist. Time goes in one direct only

cf. Prigogine

Arrow of Time

However, I've witnessed "synchronicity" In fact, without that "force" of Nature no biological life could form, since the simple laws of motion, etc., fail to explain the accretion / chrystallization of biological form, even at the most simple level. Even the creation of 5-symmety chrystals is a mystery without "non -localized intelligence" which works through what appears to be totally material nature

Back to Maggie's tweet

Some years ago I took this photo of a movie poster. The study group I was in studied symbols / synchronicites in movies.

I was moving quickly to catch the poster and jump on a public transport and when I got home an looked at the photo, it had an anomaly. Probably from jerking the camera around, right? coincidence.

This one came up today in regard to the Maggie tweet and 9/11

I hold Maggie and the company she works for New York Times as criminals in that attack; they covered-up. They promoted the Propaganda and lies for years, to this day.

Fuck her and the train she rode in on.