Spoiler that shit.
I can see this hippie bitch moaning about Trump right now. Damn girl just shut up.
Yeah and the real trinity is the Father God, Mother God and Holy Offspring(usually show as a male but meaning all of humanity)
Not this fag Holy Ghost shit.
Sounds like a fake job…..she just pushed paper around and made shit up.
If your black why bother getting a tat? You cant see them anyway….waste of money.
Magical mason pussy? Eye being the clit? Dove the pussy hole?
When they execute the so called villian within ten years….you know they are just getting rid of evidence before the Mkultra begins to wear out.
DC sniper and this guy were "just patsy" Fear porn to push all the government changes.
Its all just Astrotheology and sun worship. All of it.
So that is where the G spot is? My wife says I never can find it…..but it was there in my face all along.